Chapter Forty-Six

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Feeling Jihyo's pain was harder than he imagined. Sunwoo had nearly tripped trying to get to her. The fear, the regret, the betrayal.

He had no idea what was causing her so much heartache.

She'd only left him thirty minutes before.

When he found her running towards the pack house, she hadn't even realized he was running after her.

Sunwoo's body went cold when she repeated what the rogue said t her.

"Jihyo, are you sure?"

She nodded and wiped her eyes. A few wolves walked around the corner of the pack house and stopped cold. "Come on," Sunwoo said, picking her up and carrying her inside.

He nearly raced up the stairs and didn't stop until their door bedroom door was locked behind them. He sat her down on the bed and bent down in front of her. "What exactly did he say?"

Jihyo took a deep breath. "He knew my dad was a rogue. he knew that Seojun had been calling and texting me, Sunwoo. How else would he know that? Who else knew that other than you and me?"

Sunwoo didn't know. "Maybe someone heard? Maybe the mole heard and told him. It's possible this is all a big play at getting to you."

Jihyo shrugged. "It seemed real, Sunwoo."

Sunwoo cupped her neck. "I didn't pick up another wolf scent when I was at your apartment. Wouldn't you know that you were dating a werewolf, Jihyo? I would understand if you were human, but you're not. You would know the signs."

"He said there are ways to mask your scent. is that true?" she asked, her eyes wide in confusion.

"I'm not sure," Sunwoo said. "I've never looked into something like that. I've never had a reason. But it doesn't matter, Jihyo If Seojun is or isn't a werewolf, it doesn't matter, because they are coming either way. And we're going to be ready."

Jihyo wrapped her arms around her stomach in an attempt to keep herself together. Sunwoo was her mate, and she didn't care what happened to Seojun, but the lies were woven so deeply.

She wanted to make him pay. Because she felt he was using her. How? She didn't know. But it had to be a reason why he would lie about his identity.

"What's bothering you?" he asked.

"The lies. If he is a werewolf, why would he lie to me about it?"

Sunwoo placed his palms on her knees. "I don't know."

"When I asked, he said that it was a story for seojun to tell me. Do you think he's trying to get me to reach out to Seojun?"

"Possibly, yes. Do you want to reach out to him?"

"No," she said, shaking her head. "I have no urge to speak to him. I think it's a trap."

Sunwoo leaned in and kissed her softly. "It could be. We'll play it by ear."

"Okay," she whispered.

"Did you ever eat?"


Sunwoo nodded. "I'll have lunch brought here to us. No one needs to see you like this. I don't want anyone to know about it."

Sunwoo mind linked with someone, and sat down beside Jihyo. "nayeon reported back to me a few minutes before I felt you."

"What did she say?"

"That she's been following and flirting with a bunch of wolves to get some answers."

Jihyo chuckled. "Any luck?"

"She said that a few of the wolves said someone had been walking the halls at night, but when they went to check that no one was there."

Jihyo narrowed her eyes. "So, a ghost?"

He chuckled. "Or someone that knows the house really well, which could be any of the wolves. We've all lived here our entire lives."

Jihyo frowned. "So someone is sneaking out at night?"

Sunwoo sat back and nodded. "Yeah, she said she is going to do some more flirting to figure it out."

"This is the perfect job for her," Jihyo said.

Sunwoo chuckled. "You're telling me."

"What are you going to do about the night roamer?"

"I'll handle it," Sunwoo said, getting up to grab the food someone left at the door. He brought the food over and sat down beside Jihyo. "I don't want you to worry about anything, okay? i know finding out your ex-boyfriend could possibly be a werewolf is a lot, but none of it matters now."

Jihyo pressed her forehead against Sunwoo's. "I don't want you to think that I'm feeling anything other than confusion and hurt from this. I don't care about Seojun."

"Baby," Sunwoo said softly, lacing his fingers on the back of her neck. "I feel everything that you feel now. I'm not mad at you. I wish you wouldn't have gone into the cells by yourself, but I'm not upset that you're upset. I'm upset that someone lied to you. I'm upset that someone hurt you, but I promise I'm not upset that you're upset."

Jihyo nodded. "How did I get so lucky? I went from wanting to call the cops on you to falling in love with you."

Sunwoo stilled, and Jihyo realized what she said. Then she realized that she meant it.

"I mean that," she whispered. "I've fallen in love with you."

Sunwoo leaned in and kissed her. It was deep, hungry and it slid under her skin. "I can't tell you how long I've been waiting for you to say that to me."

She closed her eyes and nodded.

"i love you, Jihyo. Always. Forever. Until the end."

Jihyo smiled and pulled back to look him in the eye. "Don't get mushy on me now, because you think you've hooked me."

Sunwoo pushed Jihyo down onto her back and trapped her against the bed. "I think you've been hooked since you saw me. You just wanted me to work for it."

She laughed. "Yeah?"

"Yeah," he whispered against her ear. "I think you wanted me from the get-go."

Jihyo laughed. "You hit the nail on the head. I couldn't resist you, Sunwoo."

He grinned. "I wore you down through. You wouldn't be wearing my mark if I hadn't."

"You're right," she whispered. "I wouldn't have accepted that month offer from you if I hadn't wanted to stay. I liked being chased by you. I liked the way you looked at me. The way you wanted me. My body knew before I did."

Sunwoo traced the pad of his thumb against her bottom lip. "I'll be sure to thank her."

Mated To My Alpha Stepbrother (A Sunwoo ff) ✓Where stories live. Discover now