Chapter Forty-Seven

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The bastard lied to her.

She would have understood if she were human, but she wasn't. She only kept her secret from him because she thought he was human.

The rogue could be lying about Seojun, but for some reason, she didn't think he was lying. He did disappear a lot for 'work' and if he could cover his smell as they thought, it could be him.

Jihyo wanted to go to the city and rip him a new one. But what good would it do if she had no proof? What did it matter now?

Was he the leader of the rogue pack? What relationship did he have with the rogues in the cell?

Jihyo pressed her eyes closed tightly, relaxing into Sunwoo's arm that was wrapped around her. She felt safe with Sunwoo, but her wolf wanted to stay there forever. But the human part of Jihyo wanted to rip Seojun's throat out.

Something was so wrong with all of this.

Maybe she was the reason the rogues started coming there, and she didn't even know it.

Jihyo sighed deeply and slipped out from under Sunwoo's arm. She walked to the bathroom and splashed water onto her face. Turning, she leaned against the bathroom counter and folded her arms over her chest. She needed to sleep. They had many things to figure out the next day, and she needed a fresh mind to do it, but something pulled at her chest.

Sunwoo was still passed out when she walked back into the room Moonlight shimmered from the stained-glass window drawing her attention. She walked over to the window, unlatched the window, and opened it.

The humid breeze brushed her hair from her shoulders and brought in many scents. Most of them seemed familiar enough. But one, in particular, tugged deep inside of her. 

"What are you doing" Sunwoo asked from behind her.

Jihyo jumped and glanced back at Sunwoo. "I smell something different."

Sunwoo tilted his head and inhaled. When his eyes opened, they were the dark color of his wolf. "Stay here."

Jihyo lunged forward and grabbed Sunwoo's hand. "Where are you going? Don't leave me here by myself. I want to come."

Sunwoo palmed her cheek. "I need to go see whose scent that is, Jihyo."

"Why can't I come?"

"It could be a trap."

"In the middle of the night when everyone is sleeping? What if someone sneaks into the room while you're out? What if it's Seojun? Or one of the rogues?"

Sunwoo frowned. "The pack house is full of wolves right now, Jihyo. Last time we were all out in the field. This time, there are too many opportunities for someone to catch him."

Jihyo folded her arms over her chest. "Am I not your Luna?"

Sunwoo narrowed his eyes to slits. "This isn't the time to debate on your rights as Luna, Jihyo," he said, stepping forward. "You're my Luna, and I'm your Alpha. And I'm asking you to stay here. I'll have someone come in with you With all the rogues─I don't want you to get hurt. I can't risk losing you."

Jihyo wanted to fight him. She hadn't been able to sleep before, and now she really wouldn't even be able to close her eyes. Tearing her gaze away from his, she stared down at her feet with tears in her eyes.

Sunwoo leaned down and kissed her head softly. "I'll be back, little fox."

Sunwoo rushed out of the room, leaving Jihyo by herself. She felt helpless. The open door to the window swayed and hit the side of the pack house. She walked back over, and another breeze hit her face, and the scent seemed almost familiar. Too familiar.

She wanted to jump to conclusions of it being Seojun, but he never had a wolf scent before, she she knew it wasn't his.

She leaned over and inhaled into the wind.

It was right on the tip of her tongue.

Whose scent was that?

"Luna Jihyo?"

She glanced over her shoulder to see Eric. "Hey, Eric," she said, sitting down on the bed. "You're on babysitting duty, huh?"

He chucked and took a seat at the desk chair. "It could be worse. I could be chasing rogues through the forest."

Jihyo smirked, grabbed the remote from the nightstand, and tossed it to Eric. "Here put something on. I can't go back to sleep until Sunwoo is back, and I know everything is okay."

Eric began flipping through the channels, landing on one of the Rocky movies, while Jihyo tapped her fingertips against her thigh, trying to place the scent.

"This one is my favorite. The one with the big Russian," he said in a terrible Russian accent.

She chuckled when it all hit her.

The scent. It was her father's scent. It'd been so long that she'd almost forgotten it. Jihyo suddenly stood up, and glared at the window.

"What is it?" Eric asked.

Jihyo walked over toward the window and braced her hands around the edge of the windowsill. "Are you okay?" Eric asked.

Her eyes filled with tears, and she swallowed the hard lump forming in her throat. Before she could process anything else, she launched over the side of the window, landing in her wolf form on the ground.

"Jihyo!" Eric shouted.

She didn't give him time to jump before her wolf was following the scent. She felt like a lunatic released from a jail cell, her wolf hungry and determined to find her father.

Eric's wolf grew closer to her, so she tried her best to outsmart him, dodging the overturned trees, and jumping through the bushes.

The tears at her fur were deep, but her adrenaline masked it all. The further she ran toward the wall, the harder it became to breathe.

She could make out a group of people by the edge of the perimeter, but Eric tackled her from behind before she made it there. Her wolf yeled and wiggled around beneath him until she felt Sunwoo close by.

Eric released the back of Jihyo's neck, and she heard him cry out in pain from Sunwoo snapping him. She shifted into her human form and tried to stand up, but her body was weak from all the scraps and bruises of her run.

"Dammit, Jihyo," Sunwoo said, picking her up into her arms. "WHat are you doing? I asked you to stay behind. Now you're hurt."

"I'll heal. I need to see him."

Sunwoo lifted both brows. "See who?"

"The rogue."

Sunwoo sighed deeply. "Why on earth─"

"Jihyo?" her dad's voice came from the group. He was on his knee with two wolves surrounding him keeping him still.

Sunwoo looked between the two of them, watching Jihyo's bottom lip tremble.




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