3k Special

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Quick A/N

Forgot to do this so, thank you.
This will be a part two to the 2k special story! (Since I saw a few comments that asked for me to continue it.)
As the warning from the previous chapter and this one...
3 years in martial arts and a few mentions of blood.
Let's get on with it.
As we previously left off...

You decide to head towards the main gate but keep your distance.
You carefully walk towards the main gate. You notice that the knights are all standing in a very serious way, as if they are ready for combat. You also see a few people gathered around them, watching what is happening with their eyes wide. You decide to stay back for now and you watch what is happening from a distance. You soon get a chance to see what is happening. The knights are surrounding a group of...

The knights are surrounding a group of hilichurls and they are going to engage in combat with them! A very large group of hillichurls. Where did they even come from?

You decide to not engage yet. You watch from afar and if things get rough, maybe you'll help.
You watch from afar. It seems like the fight has already started. You can see the three knights attacking the hilichurls. The hilichurls start to fight back as they pull out their clubs and start attacking the knights. They seem like wild animals who cannot be reasoned with at all. You watch the fight continue, the hilichurls are relentless but the knights are very skilled and seem like they know what they're doing. You can get in the fight at any time, it's up to you. The fight is looking a bit heated though, it's definitely intense!

Then, abyss mages and samachurls start to appear, healing and making many elemental reactions. You start to wonder how the knights will break the abyss mages shields. You continue to wait until they need help.

You watch as the samachurls and the abyss mages start to appear and you realize that this fight has now become a very serious one. The knights do their best to fight off the abyss mages and the samachurls, but they are unable to fight against the monster's attacks. Their shields and elemental reactions prove too much for them and the knights are slowly starting to fall one by other. The situation is starting to become desperate, you feel that you need to act fast if you don't want to have anyone die. After all, they don't have visions. Where are the other knights?

Suddenly, two screens appear saying:Learned I-Frame!Learned how to use Pyro and Hydro! You quickly read through how to use it and it's very simple. Clap for a hydro drop to fall and just whisper or say Pyro Infusion for the sword you have to turn pyro, should sound simple. As for I-framing, just dash before you get hit! When you do that, you shouldn't take any damage. You walk to the gate. Finally, your 3 years training in martial arts won't go to waste!
You walk towards the gate with confidence. You feel like this is it, now or never. This will be a huge help for the knights, you finally decide to engage in the fight. You suddenly feel a surge of determination coming over you. You feel your confidence rising and now you're ready to take on the hilichurls, samachurls, and the abyss monsters that are giving the knights a hard time. You have learnt how to control Pyro and Hydro! Now you can use these elemental powers at will! They are certainly powerful in combat and will be an asset in future battles. 

You head over and whisper Pyro Infusion. Your blade is infused with pyro. You clap and the area of effect was actually decently sized. It made the enemies inflicted with hydro so you can vaporize the enemies! Surely makes your life easier. Your 3 years in martial arts really pays off in this situation. When your about to get hit, you I-frame. It works extremely well! You clap once more and continue to slice through the hoard. It's extremely easy! Maybe a bit too easy...
A shield breaks as you slaughter through the once "endless" hoard. The hydro drops actually remind you of Nilou's burst in a way. The blood and broken masks fall onto the ground. Fighting actually feels a bit pleasureful. You laugh a little as a samachurl fades to ash. 
There is only one more enemy. A Cryo abyss mage. Luckily, you have pyro! The shield breaks easily as you attack a few times. A slice after another, it seems to be extremely wounded. You cut through Hu-Tao-charge-attack-style and clap at the end, which the Hydro kills the abyss mage. Hey, I think you just critted there! 4k with no artifacts? Your sword is not on fire anymore and it's teleported to your back once more.
You sigh. Jeez, that was quite a lot of blood, huh. You laugh it off as you adjust your clothing. Everyone in the Knights of Favonius that was present at the time look at you in surprise and admiration, they seem really impressed with your performance. You truly seem to have saved their lives and they are very grateful for your help! One of the knights in the squad comes towards you and bows to you. He smiles at you as he speaks. "You... have saved all our lives... we cannot repay you for what you have done to help us. Is there anything we can do for you and return the favor we owe you?" the knight asks you respectfully.

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