Shopping and planning to learn--wait, I though we were done with school-

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 Chapter 4

(Eyy, it's already out! This chapter might be a while.)

You, Thoma, Lumine, and Paimon are now traveling in your car. Those 3 were excited and talking to each other about the store–like would it be like what you call a "mall" or something else? After a bit, you parked into an empty space and you and everyone else came out.

"Follow me." You said. Everyone followed behind you and went inside the store.

R: "So these are what you would call a shopping cart."

R: "You put all your groceries or whatever you're buying in here and carry it around."

(if your the type who would do this, just imagine yourself  hitting the rim or handle of the cart)

Paimon: "That's super convenient! Traveler, we should make one for ourselves when we get home! Then getting goodies will be superr easy!"

Lumine laughed and you grabbed the cart and walked to the door.

You started with getting the fruits, vegetables, meat, and things like that, the normal stuff.

Paimon: Oooh! What's that aisle?

R: That's the candy, sweets, and bakery aisle, but we are not going there yet.

Paimon: Awhh.

Lumine: Be patient, Paimon. Plus, we'll go there later.

After getting the basic stuff, you and the others with you go to the milk, juice, water, and ect. aisle. You grab some milk and lots of water. You stop at the juice part, should you ask them? Yeah, that's probably the best way to save money and let them enjoy it.

R: "What juices do you think everyone would like?"

Paimon: "Oh! Nobody can dislike apple juice!"

Lumine: 'Maybe we should buy that "peach" juice. It looks sweet."

Thoma: "I think the Traveler is right. We should buy that one for everyone to try. Even if nobody likes it, We can just use leftovers to give to others."

Paimon: "Good idea Mr. Fixer-Upper! You always have the best plans!"

You grab the peach juice and continue. Maybe, it's time for the sweets. "Should we go see the candy or desserts first?"

Paimon: "Candy! Candy! Candy!"

Lumine: "How about desserts? I'm sure everyone would like those."

Thoma: "Why not both?"

̶W̶e̶l̶l̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶g̶o̶e̶s̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶w̶a̶l̶l̶e̶t̶ Well it seems both is the best option for now... You guys immediately go to the candy aisle and pick out some candy. Paimon just grabs anything that looks aesthetically pleasing while Lumine and Thoma are being more precise and looking at the ingredients, name, and image. You just pick out a kit kat king sized bar. After everyone is done, you put all the candy at the top part (basket part??) and head off to the bakery/desserts area. O̶h̶ ̶h̶o̶w̶ ̶E̶i̶ ̶w̶i̶s̶h̶e̶s̶ ̶s̶h̶e̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ You pick up a nice cake and decide that you should get it for everyone. It was definitely enough to have one slice for 10 mouths. Oh and Ice cream! What flavor..

You decide to go with the 3 classics, (each in a diff bucket) strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla. Thoma, Paimon, and Lumine also come back with some cookies, cupcakes, and bread. You sigh as you accept their items into the cart. Well, it's time to go now! You and the 3 with you follow you as your pay for the items using self checkout. They were slightly confused so while you were walking to the car and putting everything in the trunk, you explained how self checkout worked and how it was still guarded and had people and alarms if someone were to steal.

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