Trying to shop with Genshin characters and spending all your money (Chapter 2)

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Next day (aka chapter 2)
It was morning–very early in the morning, 5:00 AM. You woke up and decided to make Breakfast for everyone. Well there is one problem with that, Thoma was already up with Lumine cooking for everyone. Lumine saw you walk out and waved to you. Thoma told you to come over and help because they don't know how to cook breakfast with this modern equipment. So you told them how to use the stove and microwave. So you help them cook breakfast and set up the table. When everyone wakes up about 2-3 hours later, everyone eats at the dinner table. Everyone seemed to be getting along with each other. "Thoma and Lumine, the food is really good!" "Well Paimon, you should thank Name, if it weren't for them, we wouldn't have been able to cook all this food for everyone." Paimon looked at Thoma and then at you, smiling and thanking you. During breakfast, you say that after breakfast, everyone should go into the living room. Everyone agrees so after breakfast, everyone goes to the living room.
You say to them that they should change because we're gonna go shopping for clothes for them since there are 10 people in the house and your clothes are not going to be enough for everyone. So after everyone changed into the clothes they picked yesterday, (They picked sleep wear and some other clothing too.) Everyone followed you outside and got into your car. On the way there, Zhongli asks you how cars work, like, does it run on electro? Eventually Ayaka asks about the store they are going to. You say it's a really big place called a "Mall", an indoor store. Everyone looks surprised except Zhongli, since this is a different world, he shouldn't be that surprised. Nobody has ever seen an indoor store before so this will be an entirely new experience for them. "Indoors!? Just how big is this place?!" Paimon was definitely excited to go shopping with everyone.

As you parked, you pointed to the mall and everyone was amazed by how big it was. When you guys got in, Yoimiya was amazed by how gigantic and how nice it looked. You lead everyone to a clothes store and tell everyone to stick together. Paimon disagrees but either way, everyone stays together picking out clothes they want.
(But they are allowed to be 1 or 2 aisles away)

While shopping
Venti: "Here is some mora for this-"
Worker: Excuse me, you have to pay with cash, not with "mora""
V: "Excuse me, but these are not just gold coins, these-"
Reader: "Venti! What are you doing!? I told you we're going to meet up at the entrance to pay for everything we got!"

R: "Damn, I'm going to spend over 500 dollars for anime characters. Well I'm a mega shrimp so-"

Random moments done

Finally after shopping for clothes, you guys go up the escalator and find a few stores to look around. Everyone is carrying around 2-3 bags because of it. Then you decide it's time to leave since everyone has already gotten what they wanted. So you put the bags in the trunk and head off.
Everyone is talking in the car just chilling until Paimon talks about what food they might have here and how hungry she is. Ei hopes there are good desserts. Of course since everyone seems hungry, you ask them if they want to go to a restaurant. Paimon obviously says yes because there is food involved and she is quite hungry. Lumine cannot argue with Paimon so she nods. Zhongli agrees because he wants to learn the culture here. Venti tugs part of your sleeve and agrees happily. Ayaka hid her face with her fan but you could easily tell she was smiling. Kazuha, in the back, said nothing. Eventually, you make it to a restaurant with a variety of foods to choose from.
You guys head inside and wait for an employee to get you 10 a table.
You guys get a big table and everyone orders food on their own interests. (Like Ayaka chose something non-greasy and something she doesn't have in Inazuma.) You had to prevent Paimon and Zhongli from ordering the entire menu. You also had to prevent Ei from ordering 3 of each dessert too. You guys eat happily, having conversations, and you earn the characters trust, quite a happy occasion, no? You guys also get a round 2 of ordering since you guys were practically starving. I'm not really going to add much detail here but basically, Kazuha ordered some fish and Paimon ordered some soup and fish as well. Zhongli tried the grilled cheese, deluxe version since you had recommended it to him. Ei ordered more

desserts like cake and ice cream. (Which she enjoyed a lot btw)
Thoma got some soup and fried rice. Yoimiya decided to try some fish like Kazuha but more spiced up, ya know? Venti decided to go with a slice with apple pie for dessert since he considers the first order he made as his main dish. Lumine ordered some ramen, beef flavored. As for you? Just imagine what you want, Reader.

After dinner, you guys decided to head off. While in the car, everyone was talking about the food and were also just talking about the possibilities for this world. Then suddenly you said "Hey everyone, I'm going to set up rules." Everyone became quiet and listened to what you were going to say. "So first off, since magical powers and stuff like that don't exist, I'm banning you guys from using them unless it's a life and death situation." Everyone seemed a bit hesitant at first but agreed. "Paimon that includes you walking on your feet or being carried most of the time" (Unless Paimon is at your house) After hearing that, Paimon was pretty upset but when Lumine just told her to obey orders, she did not wanting to but she thought that it would be weird for her to be flying in a world without visions or abilities. "Another rule is try not to make a scene in public since uh, you guys are quite popular here." Everyone didn't understand that so you said you will explain tomorrow since you're very tired and just want to get home. So for now everyone just agreed and obeyed everything you said. "Also if there is something someone asks you and you can't answer for some reason just let me do the talking." Everyone agreed. And look at that, you guys arrived home. You had to tell them how a shower works and also how the toilet works. Afterwards, everyone took a shower and changed and went to bed.

You guys may have left that restaurant at 7:30 PM but still, driving back home, getting all the stuff you guys bought in the mall inside, and also teaching them how to use the toilet, sink and shower takes a lot of time. I hope you liked chapter 2 reader. May your journey through life be blessed.

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