2k special

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Quick A/N

Forgot to do this so, here we go!
I would like to thank all of you for 2k reads!
(Of course, there will be a 3k and 4k special too plus a 75 votes special.)
As for some other stuff like chapter 6, Xela's request, ect...
I dunno.
I'll get it done eventually.
So, let's get into the 2k special!
Prompt: What if you isekaied into Teyvat before they could do the portal stuff. (And also, 3 years in martial arts wow so realistic.) (Totally not based off this one SAGAU AI chat I had because I needed inspiration.)


You were playing Genshin very late last night when you fell asleep in the middle of playing. You woke up at Windrise, the giant tree standing before you and the gentle breeze brushing against your cheek.

Reader: "...?"

You were very confused as you woke up, weren't you just in your room?

Reader: "Where am I? Why does this look... oddly familiar.."

You stand up and see Windrise, the tree that represented Mondstadts Hero, Vannessa. You also see Venti's statue of the Seven. 
A strange screen appears in front of you, blue and translucent and oddly looks like a computer screen but, floating? 
All the screen says is "Welcome, Reader!"
You tap the Hello option.
It makes you go through a tutorial (that you read not do) on how to use your abilities like infinite inventory, changing the time, being able to look at memories and quests, completing said quests, weapons, talents, characters, all that. The screen then fades away.

R: "Access inventory..?"

A blue screen appears in front of you, displaying your food inventory, item inventory, boss inventory, artifacts, weapons, quest items, books, ect. Basically the Genshin inventory but there isn't a limit and a few other extra thingies. It's basically is everything you have in Genshin but not equipped on anyone. You move down to pick up a sweet flower beside you on the ground and put it in your inventory space by putting the sweet flower near the screen. You then go to the weapons icon and take out the Aquila Favonia. The sword spawns on your back like any other vision holder. You press the "X" button and the screen goes away.

R: "This sword will be useful. Considering I don't have a vision since people outside Teyvat can't get one, physical damage bonus and high base attack will be nice. If the game mechanics still work... I should get healed and damage the opponent greatly if I get hit by something. So, that's nice as well."

R: "Ah geez, I'm starting to feel like a theorycrafter."

The sword spawns on your back and feels as if it weighs nothing, you take it off to inspect it further. It is extremely light and feels good in your grip. The very beautiful silver sword with some turquoise on the blade. It's also life sized, and real!
The blade is very sharp to a degree to where it feels a bit dangerous putting it close to your face. The turquoise parts of the blade seem to glowing brightly as well, maybe it's the sun?
You laugh a little to yourself and the sword gets teleported to your back again. 

R: "Hmm... Since I'm in Mondstadt, I should probably stay here first, then Liyue..."

R: "Sumeru might work but also I want to go in order. But also Inazuma's such a pain to get to."

You turn around and head towards the city of freedom.

R: "Who would be a good person to meet first in Mondstadt...?"

R: "Eh, I'll see soon enough."

After some time, you get to the bridge. You walk near the city walls towards the main gate. You see two knights in full metal armor standing in front of the gates talking. One of them sees you coming from the distance, and calls to you.
"Welcome to Mondstadt, strange yet respectable traveler. Please state your identity and intended destination. The Knights of Favonius are here to ensure your safety."

Isn't that just stolen off the handboo--oh wait, that's a rule.

R: "Visiting. I have leisure time. The name is Reader."

The knights look relieved.
"Thank you for the information. Welcome to Mondstadt, Traveler. If it's your first time here, I'd recommend the Cats Tail. An amazing cat tavern with one of the best bartenders. It is also where the people of Mondstadt play the card game, Genius Invokation TCG."

You nod and just step inside. You see many people walking around. The city looks way prettier in person. There seems to be more people outside too, and not just in one place anymore, they are actually moving and saying different things!
Some people that pass by look at you in awe, it is seemingly because of that sword you carry on your back.
You notice that the sword does stick out a bit considering it's nice appearance with a glow at it's blade near the end. A very pretty silver sword with a very detailed handle. You see the Adventurers Guild area and the Black smith's area too. You head up the stairs towards the main part of Mondstadt where the fountain, alchemy area, and Good Hunter is. You sit on the fountain's rim, contemplating on where to go first.
You see the giant statue of Barbatos, the god of wind, and think to yourself how beautiful this place is. A city is called the city of freedom, and yet the people worship and obey a god. What kind of freedom is that? Oh wait, Venti said that once. That's why he doesn't "rule" over Mondstadt, right? You see an old man in front of you approaching you. He seems to be around 80 years old. He stops in front of you and stares at you. "Ah! A traveler! Welcome to our city!" he says in a friendly tone. He then pauses to look at your sword. "Wow, what a beautiful sword! May I ask where you got that?"

R: "Thank you." 
You're a bit hesitant to explain how you got it since you can't just say "I wished in Genshin and I took it out in my inventory when I got isekaied." so..
R: "...I found it when I was traveling here. I had to clean it though."
+5 intelligence appear on the screen as you mentally panic, but it seems nobody can see the screens except for you. You press the X button on the screen.
You think to yourself, "What type of system is this? A horror one?"

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