Chapter Forty -- Naked Truth

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Chapter Forty -- Naked Truth

Megan's POV

Everybody wants something. 'Something' can come in the form of the full filling feeling of love, or the many green faces of money. What ever it is or may be, we all want something in life.

Growing up, all ever I wanted was acceptance. Being the only high yellow black girl with a head full of natural bushy curls in my mother's family, I knew I was the outcast.

Before I met my father, Mom and I lived with her mother, a wicked, old hag who scorned the fact that her only perfect, beautiful daughter had a baby by a black drug dealer than a white, wealthy, lawyer or doctor.

Lucy, my mom's mother, was one of those people who were still stuck in the Jim Crow laws. She had a strong belief that biracial relationships were just irrational and not the way things were suppose to be. Crazy enough, she still treated my mother like royalty, but she despised me, an innocent child who had no control over the ethnic background of her parents.

The day she croaked was the best day of my life.

I stood on the evenly paved, gravel, small porch surrounded by sweet smelling flowers as I knocked on the pink wooden door. There were a group of young girls hand clapping directly in front of the house to the lyrics of Rockin' Robin.

I use to love that one, I thought as they began shouting, "Mama in the kitchen, cookin' that rice! Daddy 'round the corner shootin' that dice. Brother in jail..."


I turned back around to the door. Octavia, my grandmother and the late Kai's woman, stood in the entrance of her house with a pleasant smile on her face. 

"Look at you," she gushed before pulling me into a hug.

Smiling from ear to ear, I hugged her back. "You look good," I honestly told her.

For a woman knocking on sixty's door, Octavia almost looked like a thirty year old. With honey brown highlights, her hair was cut into a stylish, shoulder-length bob, moving back and forth when ever she moved her head. Her body was firm and her make up was flawless right along with her offit which consisted of a navy-blue and creme stripped, over sized sweater, green skinny leg jeans, and navy flats. Simple, but cute.

"It's not easy, trust me," she said as she closed the door behind me once I was inside the house.

"Tell me about it." Looking good was hard work, and a all day job that men will never understand.

Octavia took a seat on one of the marine green couches in the room, urging me to follow suit with her hand. "How have you been, Megan?"

"I'm okay, I guess," I shrugged.

"I heard about what happened to Erik... sad really."

"Yeah," I agreed. I always had a feeling Oshyn didn't have it all in the head. "What about you? I know how much Grandpa meant to you."

I watched as she looked down at her engagement ring on her finger. I remember her always pawning it and going back to get it when Erik and I was kids to put food on the table sometimes. "I know I should be sad... maybe even angry at the world, but I'm not. Kai wanted to die... I know that sounds crazy, but it's true. If he didn't, he would've stopped smoking years ago. Your grandfather was a smart man, so smart that he was dumb as hell."

When I didn't respond, she continued.

"I think I'm going to move back to New York. Kai's dead... I don't have a reason to stay in Mississippi any more."

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