Red Faced Part 1

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Phantom was on top of a roof with his mask up to his nose, in his lunch break eating sushi. He was almost in the edge of the building with his leg hanging.

???: What are you doing?

Phantom sees Supergirl floating with arms crossed as he shrugs off.

Phantom: Eating, what are you doing?

Supergirl: Uh, patrolling? Doing what you should be doing?

Phantom: Well, I got hungry and decided to buy something to eat. *shows her his bowl* Sushi?

Supergirl: I'm patrolling, making sure everything is okay?

Phantom: *shows her an unopened sushi box* I bought you one.

Supergirl doesn't say anything as she looks back and later at the box. Scene moves to Supergirl seated also on the roof with the opposite leg hanging facing Phantom forward.

Supergirl: I really needed this.

Phantom: Yeah, you were getting grumpy right now. Are you pulling a Snickers commercial? But with sushi?

Supergirl: *blushing* No. You're saying it like if I'm a drama queen.

Phantom gave her a look as Supergirl bit her bottom lip.

Supergirl: Shot.

Phantom; Shot? Not even shoot? You know no one's gonna kill you if you say "shit."

Supergirl: It's just... it doesn't feel right. A superhero who stands for hope and kindness saying that word? It's so... not okay.

Phantom: No one's gonna kill you for it.

Supergirl: Yeah! Myself, Kal, Alex and Eliza. Plus they would kill you too.

Phantom: You have to stop being nice.

Supergirl: I-I'm not that nice.

Days ago

Phantom: What are you doing?!

Phantom was using a cop car to cover for some civilians who were trapped behind him... Supergirl was well... petting a corgi dog.

Supergirl: The puppy is scared! I'm not leaving till YOU handle the criminals.

Phantom: What?!

Supergirl: *waving at him* Go on, now.

Phantom: *chuckling* You sassy son of a bitch, I'm gonna kill you.

He jumps over the car and claps his hands, releasing a huge shockwave... completely sending the criminals back.

Next Day

Supergirl: Did Knox's daughter get to Gotham?

Phantom: Yeah, Clark's friend really isn't that bad after all.

Supergirl: Mhm.

They were in the DEO walking from the training room... until Supergirl felt something off. Part of her suit... in the triceps area felt... exposed, as she looks at it... and sees a bat biting her skin as it ripped a little of her suit just to bite her tricep. Phantom sees that and looks at it.

Phantom: Oh.

Supergirl: *smiling at him* I'm gonna name him, "Kevin."

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