Return of the Druitt.

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~Your P.O.V.~

The following morning i woke to the hot sunlight pooling into the room. Sebastian came over and whispered "Wake up love". I turned over, holding the pillow over my head. "5 more minutes.." I mumbled through the pillow. Sebastian sighed and i felt the covers pulled off me. He unbuckled the ankle shackle and tossed it aside. I groaned and stayed where i was. "Your going to be this way?" He asked sternly. "Mmmhhmm." i mumbled. "I see." He finally said. Which, if you know Sebastian, That statement frightened me. I felt arms around my waist as i was lifted up from the bed. I dropped the pillow as i was flung over Sebastian's shoulder. "Sebastian!! Hahaha put me down!" I said gasping for air as he spun around the room. He finally walked over to the closet, pulling out a dress with a few bows and ruffles. With me still on his shoulder, he set the dress on the bed and flipped me down, pinning me to the floor. "I thought we were going to start the day off nice and sweet, but i guess i was wrong...." He said, kissing me roughly. He finally broke for air, as i gasped. I was clearly not prepared for such a sudden kiss. He smirked and picked me up bridal style and set me on the bed next to the dress. "now you get ready, alright?" He said smiling, but soon stopping to stare a moment. "Wh-what is it?" I asked in confusion. he pulled a handkerchief out and held it to my nose, wiping it. "Another nose bleed..." He mumbled. "Its probably from me leaving to do some things while you rested yesterday..." He said, folding the fabric and sticking it back in his pocket. "D-did it happen to you?" I asked, still stuttering slightly. "No, luckily." He said leaving again. "Get ready and come down stairs, alright?" He said as i nodded to him before he shut the door.

~After i come down stairs~

"Ready to go?" Sebastian chirped to me as i finished up my breakfast. We walked outside to the carriage and climbed in. We went on a long ride into a beautiful town. "Woah.." I gasped out as Sebastian climbed out and told Bard to wait for a few hours. Sebastian helped me out as we walked down the street filled with numerous shops. Sebastian saw me looking at a certain dress shop in particular, and grabbed my hand, walking me in. I stopped and looked around at all the gowns, Jewelry, and shoes. "Just a moment" We heard from the back of the shop. Me and Sebastian looked around when suddenly a flamboyant blond man walked out form a back room. I Recognize him.... "My Word!" He gasped as he walked over to me in a hurry. He grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes as if in a trance. "Your stunning..... " he said, grabbing my chin as the words trailed off his lips. "I feel as if..." he said, lightly grabbing my chin with one hand. "...Have I perhaps, met you before?" He said, getting too close for comfort to my face. I heard Sebastian let out a deep Growl. The blond before me instantly removed his hands, stepping back a little. Sebastian stood a little closer to me, placing his arm around my shoulder, smiling a clearly fake smile. "Oh do forgive me! My name is Viscount Druitt. I don't know what came over me..." he said, turning to me. "I just feel as if i had met you before. .." Sebastian cleared his throat, clearly disapproving of the Viscount. "Well, Miss (Y/N) seemed to be interested in buying a certain dress in the front window." Sebastian said, pointing towards the one we saw earlier. "Oh! Yes of course!" he said, clapping his hands together. Suddenly he stared to speak in French back behind the counter to someone. The last few parts he spoke sound flirtatious. Well, as much more flirtatious as French could get. We hear someone in the back chirp back to him. He smiles and turns back towards us. I look to see Sebastian's eyebrow twitching as he death glared the Viscount. The Viscount though, looking towards me, seemed not to notice Sebastian's anger toward the flamboyant blond. Suddenly a pretty plan woman came from behind the counter holding the dress, smiling. She soon joined the Viscount at his side, bowing to me and Sebastian. "Miss...What did you say your name was my dear?" He asked, holding his hand yo his chin. "She didn't." Sebastian snapped at him. "Sebby..." I mumbled to him. He seemed taken back and cleared his throat. Druitt held his hand to his chest in offence to Sebastian's comment. "I am (Y/N)" Druitt smiled and kissed my hand. "Its a pleasure to properly meet you." He said, placing his hand on the woman's back. "This is Cristina. She shall help fit you for this dress." He said, suddenly turning towards the woman. "Be sure to show the utmost courtesy to her." He said, Smiling. She giggled and nodded in reply. I walked over to her, leaving Sebastian's grasp.

~Sebastian's P.O.V.~
(Y/N) Followed the woman into a dressing room in the back, leaving me and the Druitt awkwardly together in the same room alone... I didn't even look at him, and walked over the the nearby couch and sat down. Druitt awkwardly laughed and attempted to start a conversation.
"Heh Heh... You uh, got a keeper there-"
"I would prefer if you would not try to flirt with My Lady. I do not find it in the slightest way 'fine' to be touching and attempting to charm her." I cut him off, feeling my gloves tighten around my fists. "And another thing. I picked up on what you said there at the end of your little French lesson back behind the counter, and I do not appreciate to hear such things." I Snapped at him in an appalled tone. He stepped back a little "no no no no no.... I-I Um.... Mister..... Sir... I'm..." He stuttered out. I couldn't take the anger building up inside me the longer, I looked at him. I stood and grabbed him by the throat, slamming him into the wall. He gasped, pulling and clawing at my hand, trying to breathe. I lightened my grasp somewhat, just enough so he wouldn't die. "I want to hear you say you won't fall for her." He gargled and kicked. "Oh? I don't want them to hear this.. Shhh...." I said, tightening my grasp slightly. He pound his fist on my arm. I lightened up. "I...*hack*...*Wheeze*....*Pant*....Promise." He managed to get out. I let go of him, letting him drop to the floor. I walked back over and sat on the couch. l sat down and popped my knuckles. The Druitt stood, gasping slightly still, and readjusted his collared shirt. He sat on the stool behind the counter, resting his head in his hands. I hope my kitten doesn't find out about this.

~Your P.O.V.~
Cristina zipped the back of my dress up. It fit against my body just right. I looked in the mirror at the long gown. "The hemline is a tad too long... But with some heels, it should hold up nicely." She said, standing up. "Stay here, ill go look for a pair." She walked out of the room. I stood, admiring the dress in the mirror. I wonder how Sebastian will like it. Before I knew it, the lady came back with a pair of simple black heels. "Here we go" She smiled, helping me put them on. I stood up, gain balance on the new shoes. I smiled, taking a few steps in them. "Your man out there is going to be astonished." I smiled, following behind her to go to the front of the store. She stepped out first. I soon did too, awkwardly looking down. Sebastian stood up, Blushing slightly as he smiled. I looked up at him. "You look absolutely astounding." He leaned down and whispered to me "And your almost my height now~" He purred into my ear, causing me to blush even harder. "You look beautiful Madam" The Viscount said from behind the counter, resting his chin in his hands. He seemed to gulp when looking over to Sebastian, but tried to hide any fear he had. I looked to Sebastian who just had a faint smirk towards the Druitt. I saw a hint of pink flash through Sebastian's eyes. Oh god. He did something while I was gone. "Well, shall we get it?" Sebastian asked, looking back to me. "its a lot of money though..." I mumble. Sebastian lifts my chin up to make eye contact. "Don't worry about it. Its not like you spend your paycheck anyway." He smiled as he handed some cash to the Druitt. "How about you wear this out?" Sebastian smiled to me. "I think you look radiant in it~" He snaked his arm around my waist as i blushed hard. We walked together outside, my heels clicking loudly on the sidewalk. We walked down the street, passing many more shops full of expensive items. We finally met back up with Bard at the carriage, climbing inside. Sebastian hesitated a moment before climbing in. "Bard, wait a few more moments for me. I wish to go look at a store for the Young Master. Ill be back." He said, stepping off the carriage step. The door slowly fell back shut. I sighed. I wonder what he is doing. "Hey Miss." Bard said, standing in the window of the carriage door. "That dress looks beautiful." He said, looking at the beautiful dress. " 'Ere, Step out so I can see the whole thing" He said, opening the door. I smiled and stepped out, touching the ground with the tall heels. I stand tall as Bard takes my hand and gives me a little twirl. "Woooooweeeee." He says as he whistles. "Sebastian is so lucky you know." He faintly smiles. Suddenly I feel arms wrap around my waist as Sebastian nuzzles his head in the nook of my neck. "I'm back~" I smiled as he picked me up bridal style and set me in the carriage. He sat down next to me and shut the door. "Lets go Bard!" He said, Smiling. "Yes Sir!" Bard replied, climbing up top. Sebastian looked over to me. "Oh dear" I gasped. I reached in Sebastian's pocket and pulled out his handkerchief. "Your Nose is bleeding...." I said, wiping his nose. "Heh. I guess I walked a little too far." He smiled, tilting my chin up. "Your eyes are so beautiful in this light." He smiled to me. I leaned in and sealed the kiss. He kissed back softly. We broke for air. Sebastian made me lean on his shoulder. "We will be back in a little bit. You should rest... Its pretty late after all." His words faded out as my eyes fluttered shut. "Okay..~" I whispered out with a sigh.

OKAY GUYS, IM SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN A WHILE. I FORGET ABOUT IT, AND I END UP RETYPING OVER AND OVER AND... IM SORRY. Please stop spamming my inbox.... XD Okay. I'll try to post more often now, but wow i didn't know you guys liked this so much. okay, i hope you all enjoyed. Please comment if you want more. Thanx! Chow!~

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