m.s. ~ no more than you

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"I can explain it."

"Explain? Oh yeah, you totally can explain why your dick was in some other girl. I'm leaving." I said.

Marc quickly stood up and grabbed my wrist, forcing me to stay and hear him out.

"Honey, please listen to me. It wasn't me, okay?" He said. "And Steven would've done that? He's the closest friend I have, Marc and you really think Steven is like that? You're insane."

I try to leave again but he still wouldn't let go of me.

"What more do you want, Marc?" I say with tears in my eyes and a crack in my voice.

"I want no more than you, darling. What you saw, was not the person who fell in love with you. That was not the man who is still madly in love with you. I don't know who that was but it is someone I would never want to be." He said.

I stood there, starting to cry but Marc quickly wiped my tears off my face.

"I don't know what to believe, Marc. I know what I saw, I can't be dreaming or drunk."

"Believe me, Y/n. Trust me, please." He pleads. "Oh, Marc..."

He starts to beg on his knees with his hands holding mine. He hugs my legs and I couldn't help but to kneel too and hug him.

But I still can't believe it.

"Please, Y/n. Please believe me, please!" He cried.

I take in one deep breath before I spoke. "I have to go, Marc. I'm sorry." I took my handbag and started to walk towards the door. Still with tears burning in my eyes.

I just couldn't believe him. I don't know why I can't. I love him so much but I can't believe him. I saw what I saw and what I saw is something I could never forget. It'll live with me until the day I meet him in hell.

I quickly opened the door, leaving it open as I walk out.

"He's telling the truth, Y/n." I heard. I turn to him as he was still on the floor, on his knees.

"Steven." I said and slowly walked back.

"He's right. It wasn't him, I'm sorry I didn't get out in time. He was somehow too strong when he was in control of the body. I think he started to weaken up when you were about to leave." He said.

"Oh, Steven. Why'd you do that? Are you okay?" I asked him. "That wasn't me either, Y/n." He said.

I look at him with no expression on my face. "What...?"

"It was neither me or Marc. There's someone else with us in this body that neither of us knows about. We don't know who it is but, we're quite scared."

Another identity?




I have been gone for so long I'd love to update you on what's been happening if y'all would like that in the next chapter, just about me, no story.

But yeah, this is not exactly a full on come back, I just missed writing and I missed you guys <3

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