s.g. ~ message

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"Stevie, how's Y/n? We haven't heard from her in a week! That's concerning." Said Marc.

"She said I'll hear from her today. She promised. She's never broken a promise and you know that." I said. "You're right."

"Hey Steven? You don't have any more snacks?" Says Layla as she also waits for news on Y/n. "You ate them all, Layla. If you want to get more snacks, you go to the store around the corner but use your own money." I said.

Today, Y/n will send a letter from her home town since a week ago, she told me that she'll be gone and won't be able to contact anyone by the end of the week. Today is the day we get a message from her. Layla and Marc are also waiting for it too since they also miss her very much.

"When do you think she'll contact us?" Layla asked. "Anytime soon. Hopefully very soon." I replied.

We wait and wait for a very a long time. We tried to play games to pass the time and yet she hasn't contacted us.

It was getting late, Layla fell asleep and she asked me to wake her up when Y/n has sent a letter or some update on her.

"Why is it taking so long? I'm getting really tired, Steven." Says Marc. "Just be patient, Marc. It'll be here soo-" and right then we heard to ding from the laptop.

"I think that's her." I said and rushed to the laptop. It was her.

"Layla! Layla, wake up!" I said, shaking her. "We got it! She's sent us something!" Layla then got up and we looked at the laptop together.

"What'd she send?" Layla asked lazily because she'd just woken up. "Uh it looks like she sent us a video. That's interesting."

"Well, play it!" I then clicked play and it was her. Based on the background, it looked like she was in a hospital. What is she doing in a hospital?

"Geez, is this working? Oh, it is. Finally." She says in the video.

"Okay. Hi Marc, Layla and my beloved Steven. It's Y/n and I'm making this video because I have a huge announcement.

I'm recording this about 2 days after I left London and as you can see... I'm at a hospital."

"Why is she at a hospital?" Layla asks. "I don't know, she never said anything about a hospital." I replied.

"You're watching this video on the day I said I'd contact you. Well, if you're watching this by then, I'm here to tell you that I've died."

My heart stopped and I froze. It felt like I couldn't move at all. Layla was also doing the same, just with whimpering.

"I've been sick for quite a while and I didn't tell anyone that I am because I didn't want to say goodbye to anyone like that. I didn't want them to be there when I died, just waiting for that heartbeat to stop. I'd rather do that with doctors and nurses who know how to handle that stuff."

Then in the video, Y/n started to tear up. While that happened, Layla started to tear up too.

"Is she serious?" Says Marc. My eyes were locked on the screen, barely anything could bother me at this point.

"Layla, I'm gonna miss our gossip at the cafe. I'm sorry you have to find someone else to do that with but if you do have new gossip, I'll know. I love you so much, darling. I'm so sorry it had to end like this. At least you can use the clothes I left at Steven's apartment now since you admired them so much." Y/n said with tears but a chuckle at the end.

"As for Marc, thought you have always annoyed me and I really hate it when you eat my food, I still love you like a brother. You'll always be the brother I've never had and I'm gonna miss our daily dumb fights and don't you stop taking care of Layla and Steven."

I could hear Marc say "I will." In my head.

"And my lovely Steven. Now, we can't grow old together or even get married even thought that is all we talk about but we never did it. I'm sorry you didn't have the chance to at least put a ring on my finger like what you were always excited for when you propose.

I love you, Steven. So much. I'm so sorry to all of you that I didn't tell you I was sick. I just really didn't want anyone to be so cautious with me. It wouldn't make me feel any more alive. But, I'm grateful to have met all of you. I'm so happy to have people like you in my life.

I am dead when you see this. I'm sorry. But, we will meet again. All of us, together."

The video stops. Layla ran to the bed, crying and all I did was sit there.

I just lost the love of my life and I didn't know.


I'm alive and I'm... Ok ig. Idk. I'm entering a whole diff phase but I do miss mk a lot like pls come back.

Anw, currently in a football phase. Been into the world cup rn and I'm sad Brazil lost to Croatia.

Well, I'll see y'all when I feel like writing. Love u all.

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