m.s. ~ sister

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"These are your past memories..." Says Steven as they look through doors of the past.

They pass by a recent one where Steven and Khonshu were messing with the night sky. "Whoa." Said Marc. "That's wild."

Then, they look at all the doors. "Hey, what's this one?" Steven asked.

It was Marc beside a red car, looking towards a house. "Uh, it's just a road, man." Says Marc, trying to avoid the memory. "But you remember it?"

"Let's look at another one." And they continue looking for other memories that could help them get past the Field of Reeds.

Then Steven caught one. It was Marc at a hospital. He was next to somebody in a hospital bed, weeping and holding their hand.

"Marc, who is that?" Steven asks. Marc looks into the door and gets triggered by the past memory. "Oh-- No, that won't help." He said.

"You say that to all of them." Says Steven and enters the room. "Wait, Steven-- Steven!" Marc calls out but Steven didn't listen and proceeded to watch the memory.

It was a girl lying on the hospital bed. She looked really sick and almost dead.

"Oh, man." Says past-memory Marc. "Oh my god, Y/n. Please don't leave me." And he continues to sob beside the bed.

Steven glances at present Marc and he had tears in his eyes, almost falling down.

"Marc. Who is she?" Steven asked. Marc took a few steps closer to the bed then says,

"Her name's Y/n. She was my sister." He said. "She got beat up by some thugs in an alley and I found her unconscious while walking home from the bar we were at together at that same night."

"She said she wanted to go back home and asked me if she can walk home, alone that night. I always walked home with her no matter what but I was so drunk that night I--" He stammered. "I just... Let her go."

Then Marc looks at her for a while then wipes his tears that rolled down his cheeks. Steven walks over to him and pats his back.

"I bet she was lying down in that alley for hours, on-- on that wet concrete. She was beat up real bad that night. Oh god, I couldn't even look at her face." Says Marc as he starts to cry.

"I'm so stupid. I could've just walked with her even if I was drunk." He said. "Oh, I should've never let her go the slightest bit."

"Hey, hey, Marc." Says Steven, turning Marc's body to face his.

"You weren't the one to beat her up, were you? It was those stupid thugs who should really just piss off and beat someone their own size." Says Steven. "I'm sure she was a strong woman, she was just out-numbered."

Marc then looks back at his sister and tells her, "I'm sorry, Y/n." He said.


Sad? Idk but oh well.

Had school today, idk how to feel.

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