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    The crowd cleaned all the pottery that had been found in good condition, filled it with water, and left it overnight. There were more than 20 leaking pottery, and finally nearly 60 of them were usable. Those who were damaged were not willing to be wasted, so Cang said that they would take them back and polish them, there would always be useful ones.

    The yield rate of more than half made everyone very excited, and they all urged Xiaolin to burn it again in two days. This is of course no problem, but at that time, it will not only be used for firing dishes, but also pots and pans will be needed.

    Comparing the marks of each craftsman left on the bottom of the pottery, Xiao Lin selected four craftsmen who made pottery with the best quality, and prepared to make larger pottery. The skills of the rest of them still need to be improved, and they will continue to practice small-scale techniques such as bowls and plates.

    The next day, Xiaolin drew a few drawings and handed them to Cang early in the morning. Cang is willing to learn, and loves to use his brain to ponder, and soon became the best craftsman in the pottery workshop. Xiaolin admires such capable and intelligent people the most.

    According to Xiaolin's request, Cang made beautiful and strong clay bodies. The most difficult ones were stew pots and pans with lids. After making the mud, Cang carefully polished it again with animal skins, making the surface of the mud extremely smooth, almost indistinguishable from the design drawn by Xiaolin.

    The second time the fire was fired, another twenty or thirty larger pottery such as pots and pots were successfully fired, which made everyone extremely happy. Xiao Lin took advantage of her privileges to pick out the most beautiful saucepan and the best frying pan made by Cang first, and gave them to her grandmother and mother.

    Now he has to be busy with so many things every day, no one in the house is idle except for the three little cubs. Grandpa is busy at the carpentry workshop, and uncle is now transferred to the patrol team. Every other day, he will take people on duty at the paper workshop and pottery workshop. Grandma and mother are all taking care of the house.

    Because the workshop has been busy recently and there are a lot of tools that need to be made, the hardworking craftsmen voluntarily do not go home at noon. When Xiaolin saw him, he wanted to take care of a lunch, which was a kind of support for technical talents. When he proposed this idea, his grandmother and mother immediately gave full support, taking people to cook and sending them to three workshops every day.

    Seeing that Xiaolin had so many things to do, and he had to spare time every day to make herbs and carefully handle the freshly picked herbs, they were very troublesome, so they took the initiative to take over this task. Xiaolin was worried about handing over the work to the careless villagers, fearing that they would damage the herbs. Grandma and mother often saw how he handled the herbal medicine, and they were not as slow as ordinary women, and they didn't make any mistakes after handling it several times. Xiaolin asked them to bring some weak villagers to help sort, clean and process the herbs, which was a great help.

    Xiaolin didn't know how to express his gratitude to his family. He remembered that his grandmother and mother felt sorry for the clay pot they took away, and wanted to make it up first. Hui scrambled to help carry the pot, and carefully put the things into the kitchen like he was holding some baby. Xiao Lin thanked her grandmother and mother solemnly: "Grandma, Mom, thank you for your support and care. You have worked hard during this time. In the future, I will make more things for you.

    " With a serious appearance, grandma and mother couldn't help laughing, they came up and rubbed Xiaolin's little head together: "Thank you, I should take care of you." His attention was quickly attracted by the beautiful pot, and he was full of praise after touching the smooth pot, so he hurried to the front yard under the pretext of having something to do.

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