RTR | 2

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After a long and dreadful shift, I was finally able to clock out

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After a long and dreadful shift, I was finally able to clock out. I punched in my card and made my way towards the locker room to grab my things. I slipped my coat on and zipped it up to my face. Grabbing my lunch bag, I threw it over my shoulder and made my way towards the front exit. It was around 3 am and I knew the buses weren't running. I shook my head at the long, cold walk ahead of me. I need to fix Pawpaw's truck so we can have some transportation, but the money I would spend on it can go towards things for the house.

I pushed the door open and stepped out. As I shivered at the cold air, I pulled my cap over my ears. I walked down the sidewalk and started my walk home. It was about six blocks away, and I hoped I made it before I froze to death. Taking a look at my watch, I saw that it was 3:15.

I should make it by 3:50, 4, hopefully. I suffed my hands in the pockets of my coat and pushed on. The Lord knows I can't wait until I receive my blessing. I want better for me, I want better for my baby, and I want to get my paw the right help. I hope these long nights and tears are worth it for what's coming. The breakdowns, the times I've wanted to give up, the times my baby doesn't have milk, and the times we don't have lights, no food, or gas. Lord knows I'm trying; I just need a breakthrough. It's really hard when I'm the only one bringing in income. But I have faith that my time is coming.

Paw's social security check goes towards his medication, and it's not much to cover that. I tried to get food stamps, but they denied me. I had to jump through hoops and rings of fire just to get WIC for Journi. It was a hassle because I wasn't on her birth certificate. I had to get the blood work done and all just to prove I was her father. I'm not even gonna hold you. I was scared of the results, but I knew she was my baby. Couldn't anybody tell me different. The results were 99.9%, and I was approved for WIC. I thanked God, because that was one weight lifted off my shoulders.

I made it to my block around 2:40 and whew. As I was walking down the sidewalk, I passed an alley of known homeless people standing by a barrel of fire. I knew it felt good.

"Hey, Majé."

I threw my hand up and kept walking. Since my grandfather raised me, I was well known in the neighborhood. Every elder said I was something different, from my manners to the way I respected others. I've got to thank my old man for that. Without him, I'd be nothing. I finally made it to my house. I saw Sienna's '19 Nissan Maxima in the driveway and shook my head.

She's a blessing sent from God himself. Sienna and I grew up together. Our grandparents were close, so we didn't have a choice but to be close. Growing up, I was more quiet and reserved, while, on the other hand, Sienna was more outgoing. I was shy and she wasn't going for that. She was a bossy little something, especially with her being two years older than me. We were stuck like glue growing up. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that she likes me. A relationship is just not in the picture for me right now. She said she'd wait, but I don't want her to do that. That would be selfish of me, and I'm not that type of person. She might miss out on the one waiting on little ol' me.

She's been a major help, though. I don't know how I'll ever repay her. I jogged up the steps and stuck my key in the door knob, turning it. I pushed the door open, stepping inside. I was instantly met with heat. I shut the door and kicked my boots. I walked further into the house and smiled once I saw Sienna sleeping on the couch with Journi on her chest. I walked towards the back and checked on Paw. Walking into his room, I heard the Sanford and Son theme song, causing me to shake my head. I turned the TV off and pulled his cover over him.

Walking back out, I made my way into my room and stripped off my work clothes. I threw everything into the dirty clothes basket. Going into the bathroom, I turned the shower on high, grabbed a wash cloth and jumped in. I stood under the water for a minute, letting the water beat down on my back. Squeezing my dove body wash into the towel, I started washing up.

I stayed in the shower until the water turned cold. As I stepped out, I pulled my towel from the rack and wrapped it around my waist. I wiped the mirror and took my tooth bursh from the hollering and ran it under the water. I took care of my oral hygiene and went into my room to get dressed. Slipping on some boxer briefs and shorts I rolled the little bit of deodorant I had left under my arms and rubbed my body down with coco butter.

I know it was probably going on at four in the morning, and SiSi had to work at eight. She's a dental hygienist at our local dentist. That couch ain't no hoe and I don't want her hurting in the morning. I walked into the living room, over to the couch, and pulled the cover back. Sticking my hands under Si, I picked her up and she jumped, clutching onto Journi.

"Woah! It's me mamas."

She looked at me before relaxing into my chest. I holstered her up and we made our way into my room. I kicked the door closed and laid her in my bed. Grabbing Jojo from her grasp, I placed her in her crib and pulled the blanket over her. I cut the light off and slid into the bed. As soon as my body hit the bed, Sienna wrapped her arms around my torso. I pulled the cover over us.

"How you get home?"

I heard SiSi mumble into my stomach as I was rubbing my hands up and down her back. "I walked."

"Semajé Syair!"

She jumped up and smacked me across the chest. I hissed because I didn't have a shirt on and her hands were cold.

"Why the fuck you ain't call me?"

My eyes were closed but even in the dark I felt her staring at me. I reached out to grab her and she smacked my hands.

"Semajé! Stop playing, I asked you a question."

I sighed and popped my eyes open to find her looking right at me. "One, my phone is off, hence why it's sitting right there on the dresser, and two, I didn't want you driving this late. Plus, you have to work in the morning."

She smacked her lips and smacked my chest again. "Okay, and? You could've used the phone at yo job, the fuck? Stop
paying with me, Sy. Now let's go to sleep because you're taking me to work. I'm leaving you my car so you can go pick up Jo's WIC and some food for the house. Don't give me no lip."

I shook my head because there wasn't going to be any use in trying to protest. Once her mind is made up, it's made up. She laid back down on my stomach and pulled my arms around her. I laid them on her back, but she pushed them down to her butt. I shook my head and started rubbing my hands in circles making her sigh.

 I shook my head and started rubbing my hands in circles making her sigh

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semajé 🥺

sienna is not playing with that man!

and no, semajé is not related to derion.

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