Q&A (1.5K special)

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Well, it sure has been a while since I've finished Darkest Fears for this story. Before we begin, thanks for 1.5K reads. You guys are the best! And with that being said let's get into the questions.

Ryder: Uhhh... Moon. There's no questions from anyone on here.

Moon: Then I'll make some questions up from what happened in some of the chapters. Now before we begin, I know your gonna ask: "Why was Katie once on the cast but then wasn't on the cast anymore?" I was gonna use her for something but apparently I had no ideas for her sadly. Without further ado, three questions or less at a time for the characters. Let's do this

"Ryder, how did your fear of brussell sprouts start?"

Ryder: Well... When I was kid, my mom and dad were feeding me vegetables. To be honest, some I tried were very tasty but others were disgusting ... Including those brussell sprouts. It was a really bad taste for me, and it tasted terrible. From this point on, I didn't want to eat a single brussell sprout ever again.

"Do you still like brussel sprouts to this day on after your fear has been removed?"

Ryder: Yeah... Still hate them, and don't even think about feeding me one!

Moon's mind: Darn it...

"Marshall, how did your fear of animals start?"

Marshall: I.... Usually get scared of wild animals easily, I don't really know how my fear happened. I'm not really scared of nice animals but for wild ones *Shudders* Don't get me started on their razor sharp claws and teeth.

"What was your reaction to you giving Everest a flower for her to wear on her head like?"

Marshall: *Blushes* It went way better than I thought *Giggles*

"Do you still fear wild animals to this day?"

Marshall: Yes... And I don't want to go near one! Wild animal...

"Chase, how did your fear of dentists start?"

Chase: Well usually I don't like it when they use their tools on teeth, who knows? Heh, I don't really want them to pull my teeth out or you know... Do anything bad to it. I just have bad thoughts that's all

"What was your reaction to you giving Skye a flower for her to wear on her head like?"

Chase: *Blushes* I only did that because they wanted me to for a Valentine's Day special, but... My reaction was... Heartwarming inside. I only like-like Skye so don't even think about saying anything!

"Do you still have a fear of dentists to this point on?"

Chase: Yea... But I shake it off, thanks to Skye for helping me with my fear I can finally calm down whenever I'm about to go to the dentist.

Moon: Awwww..

Chase: I only like-like her-!

*Cuts to static and resumes back*

"Rubble, how did your fear of spiders start?"

Rubble: Well.... Usually I'm not really afraid of the little ones, but... Let's just say it started because of their legs and their speed. They can run so quickly to you, it's really scary. I don't really want them to be infront of me

"Are you still afraid of spiders nowadays?"

Rubble: Nah, small ones can be very friendly to be honest. Just.... Don't put on me or let it go up to me, I get shivers down my spine when it happens...

"Rocky, how does it feel to be the first one to face your own fear?"

Rocky: Honestly, it wasn't really that bad. Thanks to Taylor for helping me on this fear of water thing, all I needed to do was to close my eyes and don't think about opening them. It's part of the basics of getting used to swimming for me

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