Chapter 13: Practicing on the fears (4/7)

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"The scene now takes place where the pups are walking near a temple, even though a temple is suppose to have holes in it. This one didn't have any."

Tracker: So.... I guess this is the place huh?

Rocky: Yep, whenever you're ready Tracker

"The temple didn't have no way of opening it or anything, it was with no way of opening the temple and going inside. As Tracker was looking through the inside of the temple, he hallucinated as he saw Jack Scallywag laughing heartily in the distance. Jack then disappeared from the shadows and Tracker started to get a bit scared."

Tracker: *Gulps* O-Ok, definitely not ready...

Zuma: Oh come on Tracker, it's your turn to practice

Tracker: I can't! My ears can hear everything in there!

Chase: Relax Tracker, we'll be right behind you.

Tracker: O-Ok... *Exhales then goes in*

"As Tracker went into the dark temple, the others were by the entrance of the temple. Some were on the left, some were on the right. He kept walking and walking until his nerves got the best of him. He started to hear voices, strange ones too. It was the voice of Jack Scallywag, the more darker it was the more voices or sounds he could hear."

Tracker: Grah! Stop talking to me!

Jack Scallywag: You know you won't be able to defeat me. All your friends are worthless, and they'll be forgotten very.... Soon.

Tracker: N-no! You don't know about this, *Sits while covering his ears* Just get out of my head already!

Jack Scallywag: That's right Tracker, I already know. Ye fall and I'll rise, we all know how this little battle goes.

Tracker: Stop! Please! I'm begging you! No more! No more!!

"He covers his head while he was shaking nervously, his heart was pounding fast as the voices kept going and going. His eyes were closed and he was breathing heavily, Jack Scallywag kept repeating to him while it was echoing inside him: "The fear will keep controlling ye forever and ever, I'll never let ye be." It kept going and going, until it finally stopped and Jack Scallywag made his head go up towards him and he also opened his eyes looking so scared with his hook, and said-"

Jack Scallywag: Good luck getting rid of me Tracker

"He did yet another terrifying hearty laughter, but this time he held the sword up charging it at him. Tracker screamed and ran out of the temple, but when he was about to get out of the temple Jack threw the sword near the entrance of the temple when Tracker made it out. He tripped over it and landed on his nose."

Tracker: *While rubbing his noise* Oy-oy-oy...

Marshall: Woah, Tracker you okay?

Tracker: *Sighs* Yeah... I'm fine amigos, let's just head back

"The next scene now goes to where Tracker and the pups are outside of Tracker's treehouse."

Tracker: Oh, what's the point?... I'll never get over my fear of both of those things... The dark and... *Gulps* Jack Scallywag....

Rubble: But Jack Scallywag isn't real though

Tracker: He isn't, but... He is to me.

Everest: What do you mean?

Tracker: It's like he's always a ghost everytime I see him. He just seems so... Real to me

Skye: One thing to know for sure is that it's all in your head Tracker

Paw Patrol: Darkest fearsWhere stories live. Discover now