Earth's Mightiest Heroes

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Peter knocked a ship out of the air, and watched as it hit the ground below him. He dropped down to the ground, landing next to Thor, and helped him fight off the wave of Chitauri soldiers he was fighting. As the two finally killed them all, Peter lifted his mask.

"Are you alright, Parker?" Thor asked, as he threw his hammer at something in the distance.

Peter hunched over, breathing heavily. He put his hand on the flipped car next to him, and nodded.

"Just a little tired. That's all." Peter tried to put his mask back on, but immediately pulled it off.

"This is a lot, Thor. We've been doing this for hours, and nothing."

"Don't worry, we will bring this to an end soon, and Loki will be put where he belongs."



Peter scrunched his face, but left it alone. Instead of putting his mask back on, he put it in a pocket in his suit, and left it off.

"There are more incoming."

As more Chitauri soldiers showed up, the two went back to fighting. Thor called his hammer back, and started swinging. Peter used his web shooters, sticking some of them to cars, and swinging them into each other. One last alien jumped down, and right before it shot at Peter, Steve jumped down from a window, and hit it with his shield. The alien went flying, and hit the wall.

"You guy's alright?"

Peter and Thor nodded, and another wave of aliens showed up. The three got into ready positions, and started fighting. Thor threw his hammer, and Steve threw his shield. Peter jumped up into the air, and shot webs from his wrists. The alien's kept coming. Steve's shield came back to him after bouncing off of a couple of aliens, and Thor caught his hammer. Peter's webs hit the ground, and he pulled himself down towards the ground, landing on top of one of the Chitauri.

Peter kept fighting until he heard the ringing in his head reappear. He turned towards Steve, who fell to the ground as he was shot in the side. The ringing started again, and Peter ducked, as Thor used his hammer to hit the flipped car, which in turn rolled it on top of aliens running towards them. Peter ran to Steve, and tried to help him up.

"You ready for another bout?" Thor walked towards the two on the ground, and helped Peter pick up Steve.

"What? You getting sleepy?"

Thor chuckled, and was ready to fight once again.

A voice came through the comms looking for anyone who was able to answer.

"I can close it! Can anybody hear me? I can shut the portal down!" Nat called down from the top of Stark Tower, ready to close it at any given moment.

This could be the end of it. The war could be over.

"Do it!" Steve called back into the comm, ready to be done, and be able to somewhat relax.

Another voice came through the comm, but this time it wasn't Natasha's.

"No, wait."

"Stark, these things are still coming!" Steve put his finger to his ear, making sure he would be able to hear whatever Tony was going to say next.

"I got a nuke coming in, it's gonna blow in less than a minute."

"A nuke? Did he just say a nuke?" Peter began to look around frantically, before he looked up to the sky, expecting to see it coming straight towards him.

"And I know just where to put it."

"Stark, you know that's a one way trip." Steve warned, expecting Tony to say something snarky.

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