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Peter pulled out his phone, and began to dial May's number. The phone continued to ring, but there was no answer. Peter panicked, and began to swing faster. As he looked around, the once calm city had been turned upside down. It was if Norman threw pumpkin bombs everywhere he flew. There was smoke throughout the city, and people were yelling. Everything had gone to shit.

He tried to call May again, almost swinging into a building in the process. This time, instead of it ringing, May picked up.



"Peter? What's wrong?"

"Where are you?"

"Home, why?"

"Stay there, do not go anywhere. Norman Osborn is the Green Goblin, and I think my association with Spider-Man is sending him after us."

"What? What makes you-"

Peter cut her off, and continued speaking.

"Just don't go anywhere! I'm coming home!"

Peter hung up, and continued to swing.


Finally making it home, Peter ran through the front door. There he found May sitting on the couch, a cup in her hand. Peter looked over to the coffee table to see a large kitchen knife, sitting right in front of May.

At least she has a weapon.

Peter closed the door, locking it, before running over and hugging his Aunt.

"Peter, you have to tell me what's going on."

Peter explained what had just happened, only leaving out the Spider-Man parts. Aunt May looked shocked, and was confused as to why this had happened to Norman. Before this, he was such a sweet man. Now, he was a serial killer.

"Is that why there's bruises on your face?"

Peter remembered how many times he had been hit in the face. The cuts on his body also began to ache at the thought of them.

"Yeah, that's why. There's also a bunch of cuts on me, so if you could help me with that, that would be great."

May nodded, and ran to get the first aid kit from the closet. Peter sat on the couch on alert, waiting for Norman to burst through the door, expecting another fight. Peter was so scared, more scared than he had ever been. He needed to protect his aunt. If he couldn't, then there was no point in being a hero.

May came back down, and Peter lifted his shirt, revealing the cuts across his side and arm. May gasped, but began to take care of him immediately. When she finished, Peter sat back onto the couch, sighing. May went upstairs for a bit, so he pulled out his phone. Peter called Gwen, wanting to make sure she was alright.

"Hey, you okay?"

"I'm okay, Harry on the other hand is still freaking out."

"It makes sense, his dad killed all those people at the parade."

Gwen stopped for a second, before finally speaking.

"He's killed more than that. It's official. Harry told me before."

"Who else has he killed?" Peter sat up, groaning at the pain he felt.

"Someone he worked with, and a bunch of government officials. It's not public knowledge yet. Apparently Oscorp is covering it up."

"Makes sense, it is Norman's company."

Peter stayed silent for a second.

"Please, stay safe. I don't want anything happening to you." Peter choked up, and hoped Gwen wouldn't hear it.

"I will. And I'll call you if anything." Gwen tried to reassure Peter through the phone, but had a feeling it wasn't working. He was way too freaked out right now.

"Thank you. I love you."

"I love you too."

Peter put his phone down, and drifted off to sleep, the last thing he wanted to do right now. May came back downstairs, putting a blanket over him, before sitting back down next to him, watching the door.


Sunday, July 7th, 2019

Peter woke up, jumping up, realizing he had fallen asleep.

"May, what time is it?"

May looked at her watch, and responded.

"Around 10. Relax, nothing happened. No Norman, no danger."

Peter sighed, and checked his phone. There was a text from Gwen, and Peter hoped it wasn't anything bad. He opened the text to see a picture of Gwen, posing in her outfit. Peter smiled, for the first time since yesterday afternoon.

Peter always loved Gwen's outfits, and since they saw each other everyday, he was always able to compliment her. Today, since they probably wouldn't see each other, she sent him a picture. The outfit was nice, a purple dress, with a green jacket and boots. Peter told her she looked nice, as he always did, and went to make something to eat.

He sat at the table, still worrying about Norman bursting through the door. But at the same time, he wondered where he was. The man had just threatened him and his loved one, but had just disappeared. This made Peter worry more. He had to be planning something. There was no way he wasn't. The waffles popped out of the toaster, making Peter jump and yelp. May ran in, and seeing it was just Peter being paranoid, she sighed.

"You're gonna give me a heart attack, you know that?"

"I'm sorry, I'm just really stressed."

May walked over and kissed his head, and handed him his waffles.

"Everything's gonna be okay, don't worry. No one's gonna come here. We're okay."

Peter nodded and May walked away. Peter began to eat, and didn't realize how hungry he was until he took a bite. Peter put more waffles into the toaster, and kept eating. Peter walked towards the front door and opened it, sitting on the steps leading to his home. The boy sighed, and waited for anything. What came, however, wasn't what he was expecting.

Another phone call from Harry.

"Harry? Is everything okay?"

"Pete! Call Spider-Man right now!"

Peter stood up, and his heart dropped.

"What the hell is wrong?"

"Gwen! He took Gwen! My dad took Gwen!"

Peter hung up the phone and jumped onto his roof, leaving a quick text for May, before throwing on his suit, and swinging towards the city.

Peter had an idea as he was swinging, and pulled out his phone again, calling someone he knew could help.


"Peter? What's up?"

"The Goblin took Gwen! I need your help!"

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