Clipping Wings

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8:01 P.M.

Peter opened his eyes and saw the dark sky of the night up above. He watched as the stars shone in the dark blue sky, and squinted as it felt like his eyes were on fire. He was able to smell the ocean next to him, and hear the waves crashing down on top of each other. The sand under his fingertips was hot, and felt rough. Peter finally gained the energy to finally move his head over to the side, and saw flames shooting out from the ground. Peter widened his eyes, and realized he was still on the beach. The plane had crashed, and he was somehow alive. Peter pulled off his mask and slowly tried to get up. His ears were still ringing, and as he looked up, he saw a blurry image of something flying towards him.

Adrian crashed directly into the boy's chest, sending him right back down to where he was. The helmet he wore sent out a growl, and the eye's began to glow a much brighter green than before. He hovered a couple feet in front of Peter, and turned his head.

"I told you not to mess with me anymore. And what do you do? You come after me immediately."

Peter looked up, his face battered, and began to get back up.

"You just don't give up, do you?"

Adrian swooped down and picked Peter up, lifting him in the air, and slammed him back down to the ground. He repeated his actions, but this time left Peter on the ground. He began to bash on Peter's face, while trying to speak.

"Don't you see? Now I have to kill you and everyone you love. I just wanted to take care of my family, and you wouldn't let me. Now everyone has to die, including Gwen."

Peter caught the man's fist as soon as he heard Gwen's name, and he saw red. Peter punched upwards, connecting with the winged man's jaw. Adrian's face was pushed upwards, and Peter saw his chance to escape his clutch. Peter kicked upwards, sending the man's entire body up into the air. Peter jumped up, and shot a web at his back as he tried to fly away. He pulled back, and jumped onto Adrian, ripping pieces off of his suit.

Adrian finally got Peter off by flipping and sliding his back against the sand, with Peter still on it. Peter rolled away, but landed in a crouched position. He looked up at him and smiled, and Adrian seemed to get more and more mad. Peter shot webs from both web shooters, but missed as Adrian flew up and then back down towards Peter. Peter flipped over, and began to feel like himself again.

"Yo Adrian, it's me Spidah-Man!" Peter quoted a movie he saw with his Uncle many years ago, and remembered that this is how everything started. Uncle Ben would be proud of him.

"What are you blabbering about?" Adrian flew towards Peter and tried to grab him, but missed.

Peter flipped and jumped back onto Adrian, trying to ground him. Through a struggle, Peter spoke.

"No one ever gets my jokes." Peter huffed, and fell off the man, shooting a web at his foot to try and get back up.

The Vulture flew around the beach, and finally was able to kick Peter far away from him.

"Spider-Man! I must break you!" Adrian finally understood the reference the boy was making.

Peter landed, and his eyes widened.

"You got my joke! I'm so happy I could almost stop fighting!"

He ducked as Adrian flew above him.

"I said almost!"

Peter shot a web at the man, stopping him in his tracks. He pulled him to his left, and began to spin, taking the Vulture's entire body with him. After spinning for a while, Peter slammed the man into the ground, and a cloud of smoke appeared where the man fell. Peter ran over to the crash site, and was hit with one of the man's wings, cutting his face. Peter fell to the ground and groaned, and the Vulture picked him up by the back of his suit. The man picked up his other wing to finally end things, until he saw the glimmer of a metal crate in the background.

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