First Day as a Couple

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Friday, November 23, 2018

Peter walked through the front doors of the school, scanning the main lobby to see if he could find anyone he knew. He made eye contact with Harry, and ran up to him.

"Hey Pete! Why do you look like you need to tell me something?" Harry looked at Peter, his eyes studying everything he was doing.

"How did you know I needed to tell you something?"

"Well given the fact you're staring at me very intently, you're bouncing up and down, and you look like you're about to burst, I can assume you need to tell me something."

Peter looked at his friend, but turned his head when he caught a glimpse of blonde hair coming his way.

"Hey guys!" Gwen said with a smile. She immediately wrapped her arms around Peter's waist, and looked up at Harry.

Harry looked at the two of them, his head moving back and forth to both of them, very confused. And he was showing it.

"Hey Harry, are you busy later? Me and Gwen are gonna work on that Physics project if you wanna come too?" Peter asked his friend.

Harry, still looking confused, sputtering words out. "Uh, no I, I gotta thing to do later. My dad wants me to watch some tests for a glider Oscorp is making. Apparently someone can ride it like a hoverboard. "

"That sounds cool! Alright, well I'm going to class, I'll see you guys later!" Gwen let go and kissed Peter, and walked toward her next class.

Harry looked at Peter, and finally asked the question he had been wondering for the past two minutes. "What was that? She just kissed you?"

"Yeah, we're dating. That's what I was dying to tell you."

"What?" Harry basically yelled, to the point where multiple people turned and looked. "When did this happen? Where have I been?"

"Last night, I kissed her, and then I-" Peter stopped himself when he realized he was about to talk about the explosion. "And then I stayed for dinner and we hung out for a while."

Nice save.

The bell rang, and Harry looked towards the direction of his next class. "Okay listen, I have to go to class, but when I see you, you're telling me everything."


Harry walked towards his classroom, and Peter just watched. He was gonna have to come up with some story that would make it seem like he didn't just get dropped from the sky by a winged man.

. . .

Peter walked towards the bleachers, sitting next to Gwen, who was eating lunch and doing homework.

"Hey!" Gwen said to Peter and then kissed him on the cheek. She was so happy she could finally do that.

"What are you doing on the bleachers? Watching the football team of all things? You hate sports." Peter said laughing, finally putting his bag down.

"I needed some fresh air. Plus, we would get to spend time with each other without anyone around."

Peter smiled at her, and couldn't stop looking at what he thought was the perfect girl. He could stare at her for ages.

"So, can you tell me about your powers?" Gwen said, taking a bite of her sandwich. "If it's not a bother or anything."

"No it's okay. I don't know where to start to be honest. It's a lot."

"Can we start with where you got them? It was Oscorp right?"

"Wow you really put that together fast. Yeah, and I have all these powers that still even after a few weeks confuse me."

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