A Fight in the Sky

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6:15 P.M.

"Hey Spider-Man."

Peter looked towards the Shocker as he powered up his gauntlets, and ran towards him. Peter felt the cold metal block connect with his jaw. Peter fell to the ground, and slowly picked himself up.

"You don't have to do this Herman." Peter called out.

Shocker stopped for a second, before hitting a giant piece of rubble, sending it towards Peter. Peter flipped over the block, landing just as another was sent towards him, hitting him right in the chest, throwing him back again.

"Don't call me Herman. We aren't friends."

"What do I call you then other than the crazy guy with electric hands?" Peter said weakly, trying to get up again.

"Call me the Shocker."

Peter's eyes opened wide behind his mask and he looked up towards the man standing in front of him.

"I came up with that! I want all the royalties!" Peter shot a web towards Shocker's foot and pulled his legs out from under him, causing him to fall. Herman saved himself by shooting blasts from his gauntlets downwards, which shot him back upwards. Shocker hit Peter again, but instead of throwing him back, he shot him straight down.

"Gotta be honest, I wasn't too fond of these things back at the fire. But now that I'm thinking about it, damn!"

Peter groaned, and looked up at the man standing right above him.

"Why did he send you here?"

"I guess you'll never know."

Shocker went to slam down on Peter's head one last time, but was stopped as Peter caught it and threw it to the side. As Shocker was thrown to the side, Peter kicked upwards, sending him back. Peter climbed back up, and ran towards the man, and stopped him from getting back up. He shot a web at both gauntlets so he couldn't shoot at him, and tied up his legs, hanging him from the one part of the building that was still standing.

"Let me down!" Shocker screamed at the boy, who was laughing in front of him. Peter shot a web at his mouth to shut him up, and in between laughing, he responded.

"Just HANG out there for a while." Peter shot finger guns at the guy hanging upside down, and jumped towards the direction of the Vulture.


Peter saw the green glow of the wingsuit flying in the distance, and he tried his best to catch up. Peter realized how fast he had become, as he started to gain on the man in the sky. As Peter finally caught up, he shot a web, latching onto the man. Peter's body flailed around as he hung on for dear life, and as Adrian began to ascend into the clouds. As the two got higher, Peter saw the plane flying next to them. Adrian went underneath the plane, and latched onto the bottom, forming a cocoon around him. Peter lost his grip on his web, and was sent flying away from the big green cocoon. Peter tried to cling onto the plane with his hands, but the wind kept pushing him off.

This is bad. This is very very bad.

Peter shot another web, sticking back onto the plane, and began climbing towards the wings. He held on for dear life as he began to kick it, trying to break the seal it had created. His plan was to lure the man back outside, so he wouldn't be able to steal anything on the inside. As air began to be sucked back out of the plane, the winged man dropped down, and grabbed Peter's leg and swung him up to the topside of the plane. The two began to fight, destroying the plane in the process. The Vulture landed on the plane, trying to catch Peter, who jumped around, trying to avoid him at all costs. Peter looked down, and saw how badly the plane had been damaged. Peter's spider sense went off, and as he looked up, he was grabbed by the throat, and thrown onto the wing. Adrian lost his balance, and flew onto the other wing, He caught himself, and held onto the plane with his wings being stabbed into the side. Peter held on for dear life, but eventually lost his grip. He flew towards the engine, and instead of freaking out, he calmed himself, and shot webs towards it. Peter closed his eyes, and hit a wall. He looked around, and saw that he had stopped the engine from killing him.

"I can't believe that worked!"

Peter kicked the engine back out, which in turn made the plane start to fall from the sky. Peter began to panic, as it was heading right for Brooklyn. Peter jumped back onto the wing, and shot a web at the back of the wing, and pulled upwards to turn the plane and make it go into the other direction.

Please work!

The plane turned away from the city, and began to fly towards Coney Island. Peter braced for impact, as the Vulture grabbed onto a box that had fallen out of the plane, trying to take it and fly away. The plane flew through the middle of the parachute jump ride, before crashing onto the beach below.

Peter was sent flying through the air, landing on the beach a couple feet away from the crash, as Adrian was covered by part of the plane that had broken off during the crash.

Peter lied still in the sand, trying to catch his breath, before blacking out completely.

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