Giant Green Rage Monster

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Peter stood still, as another roar came echoing down the hallway. The fear in his body was overwhelming, and he couldn't move. The thing down that hallway was more powerful than anything he had ever faced, and if he had to come face to face with it, chances are he would lose. Peter finally gained the courage to move forward, walking as slowly as he possibly could. As he walked on, he heard a faint groan come from his left.


Peter walked towards the direction of the faint noise, and found a man trapped under some pipes that had fallen during the explosion.

"Help, I can't move." The man called out to Peter, reaching his hand out.
Peter ran towards the man, sliding at the last second onto his knees next to the man.

"Hey, everything's gonna be okay, just relax. I'm gonna lift this off of you, but don't move until it's completely off, I don't want you to hurt yourself in any way."

Peter stuck his hands under the pipes, lifting it off the man. The man crawled out from underneath, and Peter dropped the pipes back onto the floor. Peter reached out his hand, picking the man up onto his feet.

"Do me a favor, if you see anyone else trapped, help them. We can't let whatever's down that hall get to them first. It seems pissed."

The man nodded, and ran off into the distance.

Peter turned around and began to run the other way, when his spider sense told him to run.

Don't be Banner.

Peter looked down to the ground to see a grenade roll up to his feet, causing a panic in his eyes. He jumped back just as it exploded, and watched as a group of men in the same black outfits from before began to run towards his direction. Peter dropped to the floor, standing in front of the group.

"The last time I saw someone wearing this much black was that emo band at my high school."

The men began to shoot at Peter, who dodged all of the bullets by jumping from wall to wall, slowly getting closer to them. Finally, he shot webs at one of the men in the middle, pulling himself towards him, dodging all of the bullets flying midair. He tackled the man to the ground, sweeping the legs of multiple other men around him. The men fell to the ground, and Peter began webbing them to the floor. He attacked the other men, grabbing their guns and throwing them away, before throwing them into walls and the ceiling. One man, however, managed to keep his gun, and began to shoot again. Peter shot a web at the barrel of the gun, and pulled it towards him, catching it.

"Didn't your parents ever tell you guns are dangerous?"

The man pulled out a handgun and began to shoot again.

"I guess not!"

Peter himself at the man, slamming him into a wall. As the man finally got disarmed, Peter looked into his eyes, and noticed his eyes were glowing a light blue.

The man was being mind controlled by Loki.
The man fell to the ground, and Peter felt a cold piece of metal touch the back of his head.

"Freeze! Don't move!" Another man behind him held the gun to his head, ready to shoot.

Peter slowly turned around, with his hands up.

"Buddy, if I had a nickel for everytime I heard freeze."

As Peter went to disarm the man, the man was knocked to the ground by something flying through the air.

"Holy Shit!"

Peter looked down to see a hammer lying on top of the guy, and looked to his right to see Thor rushing towards him.

"Parker! I need your help." Thor seemed in a rush, and grabbed Peter by the shoulders.

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