I'm Sorry

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Peter swung through the city frantically, as Tony flew next to him. If Peter wasn't in such a panic, this would be the coolest thing to him. Him and Iron Man, teaming up. Peter landed on a roof, and pulled off his mask. He hunched over, and tried to take a deep breath, but he couldn't.

"Peter, are you okay?" Tony landed next to him, and opened his mask. He put his hand on Peter's back, trying to get him to relax.

"Peter, catch your breath."

"I can't."

"Sit down. Relax. Listen, stay here, call your friend, try to get in contact with Gwen. I'll fly around and look for Osborn, okay?"

Peter put his hand to his chest, and nodded. Tony put his mask back down, and flew off, while Peter called Harry.

The phone only rang once, before he picked up.

"Harry! Where are you?"

"I'm driving around with my butler, trying to find them. Did you call Spider-Man?"

Peter paused for a second, tears forming in his eyes. He was sitting here while Gwen was in danger. He had to find her. He couldn't sit here.

"Yeah. Yes, I called him. He's looking for them right now. I gotta go, I'm trying to find them too."

Peter hung up, and put on his mask, swinging towards the tallest building he could find. The city was still trashed, and things were on fire. Smoke filled parts of the sky, blocking the blue sky above. Peter closed his eyes, and prayed that she would be okay.

A voice came through the earpiece sitting in his ear.

"Pete, I can't find them. Are you one hundred percent sure they're still in the city?" Tony didn't know if he was even looking for anything at this point. The man and the girl could be long gone by now, and Peter would have no idea.

"Tony, I don't know. Just please for the love of god do not stop searching."

Peter pulled off his mask to pull the device out of his ear, and pulled out his phone instead to see if he had missed anything. Peter didn't want to listen to Tony try and tell him they were gone. He knew for a fact they weren't.

They couldn't be.

Peter opened his phone to a text message from Harry. A glimmer of hope shot up inside him, and he smiled for a quick second.

Harry: George Washington Bridge. Call Spider-Man and meet me there.

Peter pulled his mask back down over his face, and swung over to the bridge.


"Osborn! Where are you!" Peter landed on the side of the bridge and yelled, his anger showing.

There was nothing except the honking of horns and the sound of the water below.

Peter began to scale the side, before feeling something tell him to move. He went to jump and swing to the top, but was grabbed midair before he could move out of the way. Peter began to kick at the man who had grabbed him, as they were flying up too high. The man lost his grip, and Peter fell down back onto the bridge.

Landing on the top, Peter looked up to see the Green Goblin begin to float down, and hover in front of him. Without saying a word, Peter jumped at the man, pushing him off the glider, sending him falling down. Peter went to jump down after the man, but stopped when he heard a familiar voice call his name.

Gwen was tied to a flagpole on top of the bridge, unable to move. Peter swung over to her, and began to untie her, when she spoke.

"Better late than never I guess, right?"

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