Living with Guilt

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Monday, November 19, 2018

Peter walked into school that morning, headphones in and his hood up. He hoped no one would look at him or even come up to him, but he knew that wasn't the case.

Harry immediately walked up beside him, not daring to say a word, but kept him company. He knew his friend needed someone, even if he wouldn't say it. Harry also knew that he would be the one person that Peter would want with him. Harry stood next to him at his locker, just watching the people walk around his best friend. Some stopped to look and whisper, others just kept walking. Harry kept looking around, until he saw Gwen begin to walk towards them.

"Pete. I know you don't want any attention, but Gwen is coming."

Peter immediately turned to face the direction Gwen was coming from, and immediately walked towards her and hugged her. Peter broke down immediately, crying into Gwen's shoulder. Gwen just stood there with him and held him, knowing that he needed to let it all out.

"It's okay Pete. Just let it all out." Gwen said to Peter, who just kept crying into her arm.

Gwen didn't like seeing Peter like this. She began to tear up listening to his sobs, still holding him, her hand holding his head. Gwen looked towards Harry, who was also crying watching his friend. People stopped to look, but kept walking when they saw who it was.

Peter finally picked his head up, looking Gwen directly in her eyes. "Sorry, I wet your sweater a little bit." Peter let out the lightest chuckle he could possibly give, basically faking it. He received a look that basically just said that it was alright. Peter went back to his locker, his friends standing next to him, protecting him. Peter saw Harry walk away, and heard him say something to a boy a couple feet away.

"Listen man, not today."

"No, I'm not gonna- I wasn't going to- Please, just let me talk to him."

Harry stepped to the side and let him walk towards Peter.

"Hey Parker!"

Peter felt the dread and anger come over his body. Gwen saw Peter tense up, and grabbed his arm. He tried to calm down, but it wasn't seem to be working

"Not the day Flash, please." Peter replied to the boy, trying to get him to go away.

"Listen man I just wanna talk". Flash touched Peter on the shoulder, hoping to get him to talk to him.

Peter didn't know what came over him, but he grabbed Flash by his sweater and threw him up against the locker. He looked at him, tears streaming down his face, not focusing on what he had just done.

"Peter." Flash tried to talk to the boy, hoping to calm him down. "It feels good doesn't it? Being on the other side of this? Look, your Uncle died, I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Flash spoke, trying to get through to him.

Peter finally realized what he was doing, and put Flash down, and apologized, before walking away, and out the school. He couldn't be here today. Gwen followed Peter out of the school, hoping to catch up to him, while Harry tried to talk to Flash.

"Peter!" Gwen called out.

Peter turned to her, and didn't know what to say.

"Where are you going?"

Peter shrugged his shoulders, still looking at Gwen, studying every detail of her face. If he wanted anyone to be with him right now, it was her. Not Harry, not Tony, Gwen.

"Look, I know how you feel. I understand. And if you ever need anything, or need to go somewhere, text me. I'll bring you whatever, or I'll send you my address. I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind having you over." Gwen said with a smile, trying to cheer him up.

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