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Peter held Gwen close as the Goblin flew away laughing. Peter knew that it wasn't over between them, but all that mattered right now was Gwen. He sobbed into her shoulder, refusing to let go of the girl. Her body laid still in his arms, only moving when he moved.

Tony flew down next to the boy, and watched as Peter's heart became nothing. Tony opened his mask, and with tears in his eyes, he bent down to touch Peter.

"Peter. The police are here. You have to bring her to them. They can take care of her."

Peter didn't move, and when Tony moved to grab the boy again, Peter yelled.

"No! Don't touch her!"

Tony put his hands up and backed up, just enough to be inches away from falling into the water.

"If they take her that means she's gone for good, and I can't have that! She was supposed to be safe! She was supposed to be the one for me!"

A tear dropped down Tony's face, as he began to slowly walk closer.

"Peter, everything's going to be okay. I understand how you feel, but you have to give her up. She's gone Pete."

Peter looked down at Gwen one more time, before closing his eyes, and standing up. He put his mask back on, and carried the girl in his arms until he reached the police. Without saying a word, he gave Gwen to the police, took a deep breath, and swung off.

Peter followed the smoke trail the goblin glider had left, and found Norman in an alleyway, only a few blocks from the bridge. The glider had crashed, after being damaged in the battle beforehand.

Peter landed in the alleyway, and Norman looked up with a smile on his face.

"Poor Peter. Not fast enough to save the girl he loved."

Peter stood there, emotionless. No words were spoken. No jokes were made. He just stood there.

"Say something, Spider-Man."

No words.

"Say something!"

The goblin charged at the boy, who put his arms up, and caught the man. Instead of stopping him, Peter lifted him up, and slammed him into the ground, breaking the pavement below. As the goblin tried to catch his breath, Peter jumped on him, and began punching. Without stopping, Peter wailed on Norman's face, his fists becoming bloody. He picked Norman up, and threw him against the wall. Norman, weakened by this point, tried to swing, but Peter caught his arm, and broke it. Norman yelled, as he was thrown against the back wall of the alley.

Peter walked up slowly, and still without saying anything, began to swing at Norman's face again. Before Peter could end it, he was grabbed and pushed against the wall by a red blur. He looked up to see Tony holding him, not letting him move.

"Stop it! Don't do this Peter! I know how you feel. You want to kill him, and you want it to hurt. But you're young, Don't throw your whole life away because of this guy. Let him rot in prison, because trust me, it's better than regretting it in a couple of days."

Peter looked at Tony through his mask, and let the tension that was building up go. He let out a shaky breath, and fell to the ground. He couldn't believe that he had almost just killed a man, as his whole rule was no killing. Tears began to fall from his eyes, as Tony picked him back up.

Norman, still bloody and bruised, began to laugh.

The two looked at him, and wondered how he was still able to laugh with a swollen face and a broken arm. He should be howling in pain.

"That's right Spider-Man." Norman stood up, a smile plastered on his face.

"Listen to Iron Man. Be weak. Be too weak to kill me." Norman clicked something on his suit, and his grin widened.

"Godspeed Spider-Man."

The glider picked itself back up, and ejected two large blades onto the front of it. At full speed, it began to fly towards Peter and Tony.

Peter, sensing it coming, pushed Tony into the wall, and jumped up, successfully dodging the glider completely.


The glider flew right into Norman's chest, and as he gasped for air, he said one final thing.

"It's your fault." And with that, Norman's head looked to the floor, as he took his last breath.


May sat in her room, the knife still at her side. She heard the front door open, and with the large kitchen knife in her hand, she crept down the stairs as if she was Laurie Strode hiding from Michael Myers. She reached the bottom of the stairs to see Peter with messy hair sitting on the couch in the dark. As she turned on the light she saw Peter, slightly moving with every quiet sob.

"Peter? Are you okay?" May walked towards the boy, to see him not wearing the clothes he left the house with. Instead, he was wearing a Spider-Man suit.

"What are you wearing?" As May looked at Peter's face, she saw the cuts and bruises covering it. May gasped as she realized why her nephew had been acting so weird for the past couple of months. It wasn't just some costume he was wearing. It was his costume. He was Spider-Man.

May began to look angry, but stopped as she noticed something was wrong.


Peter didn't care if she saw him in his suit. He didn't care about anything anymore. Nothing mattered, and nothing would matter. Tears fell down Peter's face faster as he called out to his Aunt.

"Something happened. With Gwen."

May didn't need to ask what had happened. She knew already. Peter stood up and hugged May, crying into her shoulder as she comforted him.

May's heart broke with Peter's.

Spider-Man: New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now