Tracking Down the Bad Guys

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Sunday, November 25th, 2018

11:27 A.M.

Gwen sat on her bed, scrolling through Instagram, waiting for Peter to call her. After his mishap fighting the Vulture, she worried about him. What if one day he got seriously hurt? Or even killed?

Gwen shook her head, trying to stop thinking about it. Gwen went back to scrolling until she heard a loud thump come from outside her wall, and then a groan. She ran over to her fire escape, and looked outside to see Peter, sprawled against the railing of the escape.

"Are you alright?" Gwen said in a panic, helping him inside.

"Yep, never better! I just didn't see the wall coming." Peter coughed and sat down.

"I thought you were gonna call me?"

"I thought it would be better if I told you in person."

Peter clutched his head, still groaning from hitting the brick wall outside Gwen's apartment. Finally catching his breath, he spoke.

"So, Washington. First of all, I met a very nice man who drove me back home. Did you know there's a part of the air force that gives you actual wings to fly around with?"

Gwen looked at her boyfriend in confusion. "Can you get to the point?"

"Right, sorry. So after I chased down the Vulture, we got into a fight. You know how it ended, but what I haven't told you, is what happened during the fight."

Gwen looked down at him, and looked annoyed. "Oh my god just tell me!"

"I punched him so hard I broke his helmet. I saw his face, Gwen. I know who he is." Peter said, looking his girlfriend straight in the eyes.

"Who is it?"

"Sit down."

Gwen sat on her bed, across from Peter, and looked worried.

"It's Adrian Toomes. It's Liz's dad, Gwen."

"That's impossible Peter. It can't be Mr. Toomes. He's such a nice guy! He used to look after us when we were little! Why would you say such a thing?" Gwen asked Peter, and she seemed upset.

"I know what I saw Gwen. It was him. He's the Vulture. Why don't you believe me?"

"It's not that I don't believe you. It's just, really hard to believe you know?"

Peter nodded, and got up. He began to walk back and forth, until he finally stopped in front of the window.

"We need to get evidence. Evidence so we can put him away."

"And how would we get that?" Gwen asked.

"This might be the worst idea I've ever had, but do you think we would find something in his house?"

Gwen looked at Peter like he was insane, but her expression changed quickly.

"That might actually work. Think about it, there's gotta be something there, right?" Gwen replied.

"The only problem is that we need someone to distract Liz."

Both of them began to think of someone that could help them. Gwen looked stumped, but Peter looked like he was regretting what he was thinking.

Sighing, Peter told Gwen who he was thinking of. "I'll call Harry".

"He'll figure out you're Spider-Man though?". Gwen tried to tell Peter, but his mind was set.

"I'll figure out the whole Spidey thing, but Harry is the way to go."



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