The Flying Green Elf

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Peter sat on a rooftop with Gwen at his side, staring into the city as the sun set in front of them. Peter was quiet, and looked fixated on one thing, while Gwen looked at him, studying the details of his face like it was the last time she would ever see it.

"Are you okay?" Gwen put her hand on Peter's, and scooted closer to him, being wary of her feet dangling off the side of the building.


"I asked if you were okay?"

Peter shook his head and snapped out of whatever was going on inside his head. He shook his head again, this time giving the girl an answer. He looked over at her, and had to stop himself from worrying any longer.

"It's just, the last supervillain I fought didn't seem to actually want to hurt anyone. The only people he threatened were us. But even then, Toomes didn't actually seem to want to kill me, only get me to stop coming after him. This new guy, this flying green elf, scares me." Peter turned back to Gwen with a genuine worried look on his face, showing how hard he was trying to get himself to stop panicking.

Gwen put her hands on Peter's face, and Peter wrapped his hands around hers.

"If this guy is willing to hurt the people at the parade, and kill those people on the balcony, who knows what else he's capable of. I have a bad feeling this is going to get worse before it gets any better."

Gwen looked Peter directly in the eyes, and tried to calm his nerves.

"Peter, look. You didn't think you were gonna catch Toomes all those months ago, and then you did. Pretty fast too, if I can add."

Gwen took a deep breath.

"You're gonna get this guy. And he's not gonna be able to hurt anyone else."

Peter smiled, and leant in to kiss his girlfriend. Gwen kissed back, and then stood up, and stretched.

"Well, I need to go home. It's getting late. Tomorrow, me and you can start bright and early to try and catch this guy, alright?"

Peter nodded and wrapped his arm around her waist. The two jumped off the building and proceeded to swing to the Stacy residence, before Peter swung back to Queens and crawled into his house through his bedroom window, calling it a night.

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2019

Peter woke up to a buzzing sound next to him, and then a large ringing noise. The ringing made Peter jump out of his skin, and sit upright, which it was far too early for. Peter looked at his phone and groaned, before putting it to his ear and groggily answering the call.


"Parker! Where are you? I need those photos now!"

"Mr. Jameson it's 8 in the morning, I'm not supposed to be there until at least 11."

"I don't care what time you're supposed to be here, get here now, or you're fired!"

The phone on the other side hung up, and Peter looked at his phone for a second, trying to believe what had just happened.

"Good morning to you too Jameson."

Peter jumped out of bed and quickly got ready, grabbing a piece of toast for the road. He walked out the door and ran down the block to the train station, hoping to catch the train, and not have to sit and wait. The thing about JJ was that he was hardass. He was that teacher in middle school that pushed you way too hard, and was a dick in about it. But Peter had a good feeling about him. He may hate Spider-Man with all his heart, but he knew he had a soft spot somewhere in there.

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