Avengers Initiative

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The man looked at him, very seriously. Whatever he was talking about, he wasn't kidding.

"I'm putting a team together. A group of powerful individuals who can protect others from threats that are coming."

Peter looked at Fury, a confused look drawn across his face.

"Is this some shitty football team recruitment? Did Midtown hire you? Cause first of all buddy, if this is for football, I think you're gonna need both eyes. You know, you don't wanna get hit in the face with a football, and lose your other eye. Second, you got the wrong kid. I don't do sports, or anything really all that physical, so."

"Are you sure about that, Spider-Man?"

Peter stopped dead in his tracks. How did he know?

"What did you just say?" Peter turned to face the man once more, seeing a smirk planted across his face. Fury stood up and began to walk around the room.

"Did you really think someone like me wouldn't notice a young boy taking photos of a super human from that close? And then publish it in a newspaper?"

"Someone like you? What does that mean?"

"Someone who has eyes everywhere."

Peter looked at the man, and then over to May, who looked just as confused as he did.

"Was that an eyepatch joke?"

Fury smiled at the boy. Something felt weird about the man. He looked tough and serious, but to Peter, he was lighthearted, and not as scary as he seemed.

"So, you're not recruiting me for football, you know I'm Spider-Man, and that logo on your arm makes it seem like you're a part of some group. Care to explain yourself?" Peter crossed his arms, and raised his eyebrow.

"As I said before, my name is Nick Fury. I'm the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. I'm putting a team together to fight a threat that's actually already here. And I want you to be a part of it, to help fight said threat."

"Well that does explain things. Why me? And who else is on this team?"

"You're a great hero Parker. You have heart and I believe you would be a great addition. And as for your teammates, as of right now we have Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, and Steve Rogers. I know your history with Stark, so there will at least be one friendly face there."

"Did you just say Captain America is there?"

Fury nodded, and Peter's eyes widened. Peter appeared to be thinking for a minute, a hopeful glimmer in his eyes, which slowly turned to a saddened look.

"I don't know Mr. Fury. I've had a lot go down in my life in the past few months, some of it really bad. And I don't think I could leave my Aunt here alone if there's a threat here. I don't wanna lose anyone else. Plus, I'm just a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, I don't have what it takes to fight with the big guys."

Fury looked at him, confused.

"Bitch please, with the amount of people you've saved, you could unmask yourself and put Stark out of a job with two words. At this point, you've been up there with them for a while."

Peter smiled at the compliment. No one ever really gave him praise one on one. And to his face either, usually it was to the mask. A nice turn around from Jameson calling him a menace.

"Thanks. Could you give me some time to think about it?"

"You have five minutes."

Peter's face dropped, and he nodded. Peter walked to his room and sat on the bed, May following behind only by a few seconds. May closed the door behind her, and whipped around.

"What are you thinking?"

Peter looked up at his Aunt, and shrugged.

"I don't know. On one hand, I wanna help as much as I can. The way he was making it seem, whatever this threat is, it's huge. Especially if he needs all these people for it. PLus, not only would I probably make a few friends, I would get to meet Steve freaking Rogers. Do you kow how cool that would be?"

May smirked, and shook her head.

"But what's stopping you from immediately saying yes."


Peter's smile turned to a frown, and May sat down next to him.

"That whole thing happened because I'm Spider-Man. Not because she was her, or because Osborn was the Goblin. That happened because of me. And if that happened to you? I don't know how I would be able to live with myself."

Peter hung his head low, as May rubbed his back.

"Peter, I'll be okay. I promise. She would want this for you. And I know you know that. I know you're worried, but this is something you have to do. And hell, if it makes you feel better, I'll go all the way to Mexico so you know I'm safe. I want you to go."

Peter looked over, and nodded. He pulled May in for a hug, and smiled.


Peter opened the door to find Fury sitting on the couch, waiting. He looked over to Peter, a curious look on his face.


"I'll do it on one condition. You have people here to protect my Aunt. Like I said, I can't have anymore people getting hurt."

'You have yourself a deal. Grab your stuff, I'll be back for you soon."

Fury looked over to May, and nodded.

"I'll make sure he's okay. Don't worry."

May walked over and shook the man's hand, before he exited the house. May looked over to Peter, who had a large smile across his face. Peter ran to his room, grabbing a suitcase, and began stuffing clothes and web fluid, along with his suit, into the bag. Before exiting the room, he grabbed the photo on his desk.

The photo was the picture taken of Gwen in her room, when she tried to take a picture of Peter. Peter looked at it and smiled, wiping his tears away before taking it out of its frame, folding it up, and putting it into his wallet.

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