Flying Vulture Guy

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Peter swung towards the explosion, throwing his bag over himself before landing on a nearby building. The boy took off his jacket and shirt, revealing his suit underneath. He threw on his mask, and webbed his bag to the building and continued swinging. As Peter got closer to the explosion, he could smell the smoke and see the fire. He heard screams, and swung faster.

Shit shit shit shit shit!

The building that exploded was a new bank that was just built a few weeks ago.Peter landed and ran into the building, trying to find someone, anyone. He saw a woman about to be crushed by a pillar falling, and he shot a web at her, pulling her away quickly.

"Go! Run!" Peter yelled, before running deeper into the building. A man was crushed under some rubble and Peter ran up.

"Sir, I'm gonna need you to get up and run when I lift this, ready?" The man nodded and Peter lifted the rubble, somewhat struggling.

Come on come on come on!

The man ran and Peter dropped the giant piece of cement, before running into the building. Peter heard the sobs of someone farther in the distance, and he ran towards them.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Peter called out, before seeing a man in a brown and yellow jacket huddled into a corner.

"Sir, come on we gotta get you out of here." When the man didn't answer, Peter put his hand on his shoulder. "Sir are you alright?"

Peter saw a flash of light and suddenly went flying through the burning building, his nose feeling like it was broken. He looked up, and saw the man walking towards him, wearing a mask with the same colors as his jacket and gloves that were glowing and sparking.

"Why are you dressed like an awful wrestler from the 60's?" Peter asked, slowly getting up.

"They were right, you really don't shut up." The man said, running towards Peter, swinging his gauntlet right at his face. Peter ducked and the man hit the wall, sending most of it flying into the next room. The man kept swinging, hitting Peter in the arm, sending him flying again. Peter shot a web from both wrists, hitting the vault door behind him and pulling it off its hinges, hitting the man in the back.

The man fell over and was knocked out, as Peter jumped over the door and onto the ceiling. Switching his web cartridges with new ones, Peter spoke to the man.

"Wow, you made it seem like you were really good with those things. Honestly? I'm shocked. Hey, that should be your name! The Shocker! I want all royalties made from your name."

Peter's spider sense began to ring in his head, and before he could even realize he made up a better name than sixth sense, he was grabbed and thrown through the building. He jumped back up to see a big monster with wings flying towards him, and without even a second to react, Peter was grabbed again.

"Hello Spider-Man." The Vulture said, dragging Peter through the flames. "Should've left us alone!" He threw Peter through a wall, and landed above him. He grabbed Peter by the foot, and picked him up, flying up into the night sky.

Peter yelled and called out to the man with glowing green eyes. "Hey! Hey! Let go of me!"

The man kept bringing Peter higher and higher, until he finally felt they were high enough. He brought Peter close and spoke.

"Don't ever get in our way again." the man growled. And then he dropped Peter.

Peter fell from above the clouds, flailing his arms and legs, hoping in some way it would slow him down. A fall from this height would kill him instantly. There was no coming back from this if it happened.

What about May? What about Harry? What about Gwen? What will they all do without me? May just lost her husband, she can't lose anything else.

Peter thought long and hard, but couldn't think of anything that could save him. His arms would come clean off if he tried to web a building and swing from this height. So Peter did what he thought would be best. Closed his eyes, and thought about his happy memories. His spider sense was going off like crazy, alerting him how close to the ground he was getting. But there was nothing he could do to stop it. Peter braced for the impact, but nothing happened. It was like he had stopped falling.

What the hell?

Peter opened his eyes to see Iron Man holding onto him, flying towards the tower that was being built in the distance.

Peter tore off his mask, and took a deep breath.

"Nice suit Spider-Man." Tony opened his helmet, and smirked at Peter.

"Oh my god, I almost just died." Peter thought back to the explosion and realized he had to go back. "Tony you have to take me back, there might be people still." Tony cut Peter off, trying to ease his mind.

"I scanned the building before I grabbed you, you got everyone out. Good job kid."

"But the Shocker and flying vulture guy are still there! I need to take them down!"

"Take them down? Go home Peter. You almost just died, and I can't have that. Go home or I'll call Aunt May and tell her what you've been doing when you're not home."

Peter was going to object, but he knew Stark wouldn't tell a lie like that. "But what about the bad guys? What about them? Do they just get away now?" Peter asked, concerned that they would hurt more people.

"Pete, trust me I'll look into it. But for now, please just go home to your Aunt, and before you say why, because I said so." Tony affirmed, and put his mask down, and before he flew away without another word, Peter spoke up.

"The tower's looking nice. What are you gonna do, put your name on the side of it?" Peter joked, but knew it was something the man would do.

"Yeah, it's gonna look just like Christmas, but with more me." Tony chuckled, and then he flew off.


Peter thought and put his mask back on, defeated, and began to swing back home.

Peter climbed into his room, and May started knocking on the door.

"Peter, can I come in?

"Uh, no!"

Peter began to try and take off his suit, but it wasn't budging. May had no problem just walking in, so Peter jumped down from the ceiling he had somehow ended up on, and covered himself with his blanket.

"Hey, are you okay after before? You know, the whole conversation we had?" May asked, hoping Peter was feeling better.

Peter nodded, hoping she would leave. Right as she went to, she turned and asked Peter a question.

"What happened to your face, it's filthy?"

There's ash on my face isn't there?

"Oh, I was cleaning the chimney." Peter said confidently.

"We have no chimney."


Nice going with the awful lie Parker.

Peter was going to need to come up with better lies for next time, or else he was toast.

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