Chapter 42

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I can't stop fidgeting as we eat breakfast. Olexa will be here any minute with Santi and Clarisse. We're going to tour the city. My mom would have been crawling out of her skin to be able to explore this place. Seeing new places was always her favorite but an alien city? Forget it, she would have been unable to contain her excitement.

"You are wiggly this morning." Ronan watches me with a mixture of amusement and confusion.

"I'm really looking forward to touring the city."

Caelum's face bunches up, his mouth tipping down and his forehead puckering.

"If I had known how much you enjoy tours, I would have taken you yesterday," Ronan still looks like he's trying to figure out why I want to see the city.

"It's not just tours, it's seeing a new place, traveling, learning something new."

His lip twitches and he nods, looking down at his plate. "Always very curious."

I feel a heated blush creep over my cheeks as the door slides open.

Jumping up I greet everyone. Caelum isn't exactly a warm host but he does say a quick greeting before leaving.

"We are on the airbridge, we're ready to go when you are." Santi cranes his neck to look out the window. I can see that he's excited about the tour as well.

"I'm ready." I answer enthusiastically.

Gaia smiles, "I am happy to show you around."

As we walk down the hallway, Clarisse pulls me aside. "How was the road trip? Things look better?"

"Things are better." I sigh, relieved. Grabbing her hand, I squeeze it gently. "I need to say thank you. You were there for me whenever I needed you, no questions asked. I can't even begin to tell you how much that means to me."

"Oh, stop," she blushes and swats my hand away. "You would have done the same for me."

"That doesn't mean I can't thank you for it."

Hearing Santi's laughter from behind us, we both turn. Things have been much better between us recently. I half expected an 'i told you so' attitude from him when Ronan and I fell out but he was only supportive. That said, it's still strange to see them together, walking and talking, even laughing. I'll have to thank him for the radio tip later.

We walk until lunch, taking in everything the city has to offer. The buildings themselves are architecturally different from home but everything is also very similar. While Capitol City is beautiful, it's not as inviting. This city is visually fascinating and lush with gardens and trees.

"It's really beautiful here," I lean into him as we walk.

"An'eo began to build earth's first fleet twenty-nine earth years before I was born. My father's father designed the Capitol City himself. This city is our mark, our contribution to An'eo and the future." I can see that he's proud.

"You said your grandfather designed the Capitol. Who designed this city?"

"I did."

I stop walking and jerk my body to face him. "You did?"

"Yes, I made the building plans."

"Ronan," I gape at his nonchalant demeanor. "That's amazing!"

"I would not go so far as to say 'amazing'. It is not a big deal."

"Look around you! You designed a whole city and now we're standing in the middle of it! That's really cool!" I nudge his arm.

"Alright, alright," he rubs his hand over the back of his neck. The light blush that creeps over his cheeks and the way he's hiding his half-smile makes me want to pull him back inside.

Callisto: Bound to the Alien Commander |18+Where stories live. Discover now