Chapter 35

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My hand trembles as I knock on his door. With each second that passes my nerves grow. After a minute ticks by, I sigh, relieved that he's not here. The looming sense of dread is still hanging over my head. I'm only prolonging the inevitable but I welcome the extra time.

I know I should just ask someone to call him but I don't want anyone to know I'm coming to talk to him. I waited until the sun sank down to creep through the hallways like a burglar in the night.

Olexa mentioned the vehicle bay before. I have a general idea of where that is.

We need to talk about the challenge. We both exist in this place now, two people with complicated feelings and connections. I don't want his people to see me as disrespectful.

The whole situation is so absurd that it's actually funny. Not in a comical way but in a -laughing because it's preposterous- way.

They think I'm disrespecting their commander. Obviously, the blame lies with me, it's out of the realm of possibility that he is the wrongdoer. I respect him. He is worthy of admiration in every way I can possibly count.

Our issues stem from him not respecting me. Oh, the irony.

Passing through long, silent hallways, down the stairs, and onto the terrace, I'm finally outside. From the terrace, I can see the warehouse garage where they store the airbridge. Light glows from inside. He must be there.

The chill in the air makes my skin prick and shiver as I walk through the grass, cutting through the gardens. It's not late enough to completely avoid people but I'm determined to try. The last thing I need is to meet another angry An'eo that wants to crush me like a bug.

As I get closer, my hands sweat despite the cold. I'm so focused on the anxiety I feel that it takes me longer than it should to notice it. Stopping dead in my tracks, I'm shocked when it registers.

The soft hum of music floats on the cool breeze. It's coming from the hangar.

Jogging toward the open door, I forget my nerves completely.

I'm not sure what I was expecting to see but this is not it. My breath catches as my eyes find him immediately. I watch him, shirtless, hair pulled back, leaning against a table. He's so focused on the screen in front of him that he doesn't notice me.

His back is tense, hunched over whatever he's studying. Tools and parts are spread across the floor and scattered on tables. When I tear my eyes away from him, I see it and my knees wobble.

Taking a step forward, I can't stop myself. Standing just inside the huge garage, hot tears well up in my eyes. It's like time is standing still as I frantically take in everything.

"Ronan," my shaky voice calls over the music.

He spins around, locking eyes with me. For several seconds, we stand, frozen, staring at each other. The song playing, slow and sad, makes me feel dizzy. Just as before, I feel overwhelmed. My body reacts to his, physically. My heart rate skyrockets and the rest of the world seems slightly out of focus. It's just him and me here.

My throat feels tight so I don't speak. Instead, I point. My shaking hand hanging in the air.

The music stops and he takes a few cautious steps toward me.

"Ronan, what is that?" I choke out. I know what it looks like but I'm struggling with believing if it's real or not.

"I-" his hand comes up to grip the back of his neck. He actually looks nervous. "A car."

"Where did it come from?"

"I built it."

"You built it?" I swallow down the burning lump in my throat.

Callisto: Bound to the Alien Commander |18+Where stories live. Discover now