Chapter 40

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Every bump in the road sends a jolt of pain to my tender, ravaged body.

When we untangled our limbs this morning, I winced and he carried me to the car. I couldn't help but notice the way his chin tipped up slightly. He's proud of his work. I may never sit right again but it was worth it.

I'm exhausted, sore, and swollen but so content. He's my Ronan again. We've been talking and laughing all morning. In the quiet moments when we let the music play, it's not uncomfortable. He's back. The wall he built to keep me out is now in ruins.

"Repeat the words," he asks as the car comes to a stop in the middle of a wide-open desert.


He hums, "good pronunciation, continue."

"Pussy, cock, fucking..."

"Do you remember the sentence?"

"Ronan," I whine. No, I don't want to say it. If his hope is that I will use this during sex, he will be waiting for a long time, forever. I'm never going to say this to him.

He just lifts his brow, waiting for me to repeat the sentence with my newly learned dirty vocabulary from our lesson earlier.

As flatly as I can, I whisper, "Ronan, I need you; never stop fucking me."

"You lack enthusiasm, but your pronunciation is excellent."

Chuckling, I slide out of the car with a groan, stretching my tight muscles. We're almost to the northern city and I'm getting excited. I'm not expecting tourist attractions or vacation-type activities but it's still fun to travel.

His arm snakes around my waist from behind as he pulls me into his chest. His other hand comes up, holding fruit to my lips.

Leaning back, letting him support most of my weight, I eat, letting my eyes drift closed. Lunch is quiet, neither of us feeling the need to speak. Being in his arms again feels so good that I don't want to ruin it with words. I just want him to hold me.

"How is your pussy?"

I choke, looking up at him with a grimace etched into my face. "It's beaten to shit, thank you very much."

"Does this mean that I will have to hold myself back from you?"


He groans and holds me tighter.

"You should have thought about that before you tried to kill me with your cock last night."

"You were not complaining last night."

I don't turn to look at him but I know if I did there would be a smirk on his face. Smug bastard. "I didn't complain because I was too busy gasping for air." I pout.

He hums, his chest rumbling against my back. "I do love the sound of you gasping for air."

Oh no. My stomach clenches, my painfully overworked muscles reacting to the low timber of his voice against my wishes. Am I really about to let this man anywhere near my sore, overworked body?

His hand presses flat against my stomach, holding me in place as his lips touch my neck.

A dry, cracked, desperate sound comes from the back of my throat. My head rolls against his shoulder as his tongue traces the dip between my jaw and neck.

"We should go. It is supposed to rain again. If we leave now, we will arrive before it starts."

My eyes snap open as I spin around in his grip. "What?"

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