Chapter 11

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The three of us have been lying across the bed for untold hours. The sun rose high in the sky, then dipped below the horizon and no one moved.

We cried, we cursed, we screamed... now, we're perfectly still.

When the door slides open, I continue watching the purple glow from the night sky dance across the ceiling.

"My brother summons you," Olexa hesitates to speak.

Each of us makes a sound in protest, a hum, a grumble, a moan. I don't feel like being summoned right now. After several minutes of silence, the door slides closed again. Somehow, I doubt that will be the end of that. I don't know him, I don't even know his name but I don't get the impression his calls often go unanswered.

The door slides open again and I expect to be resummoned. Instead, it's silent.

Lifting my head up, I'm met with the commander himself, standing in the doorway, watching us.

"You need to eat." His eyes narrow, as if he already knows I'm not going to comply.

Santi sits up, his swollen, red eyes making my heart ache all over again. These two people, sprawled in bed beside me, are the only other people on earth. It's just us. For all intents and purposes, we're strangers but right now, they give me comfort in a way that is only explicable by shared hurt.

"Come," his voice is heavy again. The authority he carries is hard to ignore. He says things like a man who knows that people will listen. There is no hesitation, no doubt. He commands and expects that it is done. I'm relieved to know that he isn't a monster that came down from the sky and murdered everyone on earth but I'm not completely unafraid.

I peek up at him as I roll awkwardly out of bed. He is the definition of lethal. I haven't seen him do anything physically demanding but he's dangerous and it shows. Every inch of him, of all of them, is solid sculpted muscle.

The longer I stare at him, the more my brain starts to buzz with questions. Are they like that naturally? It would seem so, since they all look the same. Is their hair made of protein like ours? It looks different, shinier, softer... I still want to run my fingers through it.

Following him down a long hallway, we're ushered into a room with a long table surrounded by chairs. Their architecture and designs are..... unusual, to say the least. Most things, like the table and our beds, just float inexplicably and impossibly above the ground with no legs or supports of any kind.

Enough food for at least twenty people is layed out in dishes.

He sits then turns to us, waiting expectantly.

Santi steps up to a chair and pulls out the ones on either side of it. When Clarisse and I are seated, he pushes them in slightly and takes his seat.

"Are you incapable of sitting by yourself?" The commander looks utterly shocked.

"They are quite capable," a sad smile pulls at his lips. "Mi mama raised a gentleman."

"I do not understand." The confusion on his face is actually very cute.

"It's just the polite way for a man to treat a lady," he explains. I hope that this is sufficient because now that I think of it... I don't know why we do this. Why do men pull chairs out for women? Or stand from their chairs when a woman stands?

"A lady?" He's still lost.

"A woman..." I clarify.

He nods, but I can see that he's still thinking about it.

Olexa and Gaia enter the room together. Gaia is stone-faced while Olexa has a large, happy smile on her face.

"I'm very excited to share your mourning meal," Olexa sits down enthusiastically.

Callisto: Bound to the Alien Commander |18+Where stories live. Discover now