Chapter 6

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Hanging in the sky, directly above us, is a planet. It's so close that it looks like we could jump up and touch it. It has clusters of light spread across it, like looking at a city from far away.

It's beautiful and terrifying.

"Did either of you see Star Wars?" Clarisse is the first to speak.

"Did we get invaded by aliens? Intergalactic war... maybe that's the death planet..." Santi's voice is dazed and far away.

"The Death Star," I don't know why I correct him, who cares?

Peeling my eyes away from the planet, I take in our surroundings here, on earth. It Most of the LevenCorp building is demolished, with some heaps of rubble left. Beyond us, there is only grass and trees. Everything looks peaceful. Birds chirp in the trees, a gentle breeze blows through my hair.

"What do we do now?" I try to get their attention but both of them are still staring up, mouths agape and eyes wide.

"I guess we should go look for help? Maybe...quietly, just in case?" Santi finally pulls his gaze from above.

"Come on, Clarisse," I take her hand and gently tug. I don't think she even realizes that we're walking.

After several minutes, my mind starts to wonder. Where is everyone? Are we in danger here? A large planet is hanging over our heads that definitely wasn't there before but... what happened?

Santi stops, turning around to look between us and the ground. Isn't this where the road used to be? The entrance to the LevenCorp compound, the big gate... that should be right here, I think..."

He's right.

There is nothing here, no road, not even pieces of broken asphalt or part of the gate. It's like none of it ever existed.

"Apples!" Clarisse screams as she runs across the grass toward a cluster of trees. Santi and I quickly follow. I'm already salivating before I've even picked one.

"Maybe we should inspect them to make sure they're safe to eat?" He suggests as Clarisse takes a large bite.

"Tastes fine!"

I grab two apples and eat them so quickly I'm not sure I chewed once. For several minutes no one speaks, our ravenous eating is all we care about.

"Let's pack as many of them as we can carry," I open my backpack and start picking every fruit within reach.

"Should we just walk until we find someone?" Clarisse looks nervous like she's thinking the same thoughts that have been running through my head. What if we don't want to find someone...

"We could walk until we find a car or something..."

"What if..." I feel stupid for even suggesting this but at this point, I don't have anything to lose. "We could walk toward my hometown. It's about a four-hour drive so it will take... a long time walking but..."

"Where is it?"

"Northwest of here, in Georgia. Spain, Georgia." I point to the left of where we're standing.

"Let's go!" Clarisse adjusts her small leather backpack that is more for fashion than actually carrying anything.

After at least a few hours of walking, I feel like I'm about to pass out from the heat. Cryo-suits are not ideal for hot Florida weather. I was born in the south and used to handle this heat and humidity. I guess I've become less tolerant in my old age. I can't help but chuckle at myself. Old age.

The grass starts to feel spongy like it's full of water. Eventually, water pools around our feet with each step.

"Are we approaching a marsh?" Clarisse bounces on the squishy grass.

Callisto: Bound to the Alien Commander |18+Where stories live. Discover now