Chapter 38

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I tossed and turned all night long no matter what I did. I just couldn't get comfortable when we got back from our drive. Ronan was calm and casual he didn't seem like he was rushing away but it just feels off

While we were apart, I dreamed of our reunion. I played out scenario after scenario in my head. The real thing turned out to be more incredible than any of the ideas I thought up.

Even the wildest stretches of my imagination couldn't conjure up a scenario where he scoured history books to find passages to show the goodness of humanity. I never could have imagined that he would spend a month and a half building a car from the ground up just because he knew I missed driving.

As far as apologies are concerned, he kind of crushed it.

Now I forgive him but we didn't fall into each other's arms the way that my daydreams made me believe we would.

Standing under the warm spray of the shower I roll my stiff neck. It's almost time to meet him in the vehicle bay.

My emotions are all over the place. I'm excited and nervous butterflies flutter in my stomach with excitement at the thought of being alone with him at the thought of going on the adventure with him but there's also this underlying fear that it will be awkward that it won't be him and I.

With my backpack and the small bag that was delivered to my room, I make my way down the quiet hallways.

As I step outside I am surprised to be met with busyness and people. The car has already been loaded with supplies and parked in front of the steps of the capitol building.

I don't see Ronan anywhere so I walk down to the bottom of the steps and sit on the last one.

Quiet mumbled chatter draws my attention to the area behind the car. When I look up I recognize the woman that challenged me standing with a man that I don't recognize. They're trying to be inconspicuous but I notice the way their eyes flit in my direction.

When she starts to walk towards me I sit up straight feeling nervous about the altercation that is probably about to take place.

"Medic," she nods her head, tipping it down. "After speaking with the Commander I have come to realize the error of my ways. I apologize for the way I spoke to you and for assuming in a situation where my opinion was unnecessary and uninformed."

"Oh," I am sure she can see my shock. This is not what I was expecting at all. "Thank you."

She nods her head and turns to walk away just as Ronan sits on the step beside me. I notice her eyes, the way they drop down to the ground in front of him.

"Ready?" His hand inches toward mine, resting on the ground as close as he can be without actually touching me.


He doesn't say anything, he just touches his pinky to mine for the most fleeting second before standing and holding his hand out to me.

He barks final orders at the group as we leave, each of them nodding at his list of demands.

I slide into the driver seat double checking the foot pedals to make sure I am stepping on the brake as I press the button to bring the engine to life.

When Ronan has settled into his seat I press the car into Drive and we officially start our journey.

The route is displayed on the screen in the center of the console.

"This is so weird," I giggle, adjusting the wheel to keep the car following the course.

"I believe humans had this technology after you were asleep."

"Really?" I can't even imagine it. "How did you know that cars had radios?"

Callisto: Bound to the Alien Commander |18+Where stories live. Discover now