26|| somewhere, somehow

266 6 0

Song: fade into you by mazzy star

I'm too much of a impatient man to be sitting here working as a school teacher, to stalk the girl who wanted nothing to do with me.

But here I was thinking about that

As I grab a file from my desk, there is a light knock on my door. The sound was so light indicating if the individual was hesitant, I felt excitement bubbling in my chest hoping it was my sweet Katie coming to her senses. I've had enough of her being mad at me.

"Enter." I say.

The door doesn't open after a few seconds, then I hear two feminine voices at the door. I'm a good listener, which makes it easier for me to make out every word they say.

"Go oh my god."

"No, you go...he's scary."

"You're the one who likes him, just go ask him, Marie!"

"Please come with me."

I continue to organize a load of files on my desk until the girls beyond the door come in.

The door slowly cracks open unassertively. I brings my eyes in the direction as the two female students enter the room quite timidly, one nudging the other ahead.

It isn't unexpected for me to experience something like this. I knew by becoming a professor at this institution it might happen.

Girls have openly attempted to throw themselves at me-since I've been here.

Half of the times I pretend not to notice, and the times when it has become too forward, I would politely inform them that their attitude is inappropriate.

"Can I help you?" I speak first when I notice that the two girls are just pinching each other in the arms.

"Um-yes...my name is Marie. You have me for English on Wednesdays."

The black hair girl introduces herself, her words stumbling over each other as they leave her mouth.

I attempt to think back until the face finally rings a bell. I have her on Wednesdays, and she sits at the
corner to the left. "Oh. Hi. What is it?"

Her friend pokes her again, and having had enough of it, she gives her an annoyed glare before looking back at me. "I-I was wondering...if you could be my tutor for the Tutoring Program?"

I lean back in my chair with a sigh, tapping my fingers against my desk. "I am unable to do that sorry."

"Oh it's okay. Thank you for your time," she mutters and with a face of disappointment, she turns away and leaves the room with her friend.

I watched as they close the door after them, then I get up from my desk to make myself prepared for my next lecture. Teaching English wasn't expected for me, but it was something I enjoyed.

I was a successful man, who didn't need to spend my time teaching classes at NYU. But here I was.

I walk over to the window, pulling back the blinds and peering down at the campus where students are currently sitting, studying, and walking. I make out a familiar built from the group of students sprawled across the campus. Katie.

Tie my heartstrings ❦Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin