Chapter 37: Hostile Earth

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Guys...I'm not dead long wait?.... well, during January, I didn't have much time to continue the story because I had final exams, then the school year ended WOOOOOOOOOW!!! and the vacations came, I left the city to the beach, there is no internet but what I do have is the notepad to continue what I left behind. Now, if in January I finished the exams, why the hell I didn't write anything in February!!!? simple, because I forgot it because of the holidays................... if there is any of you that is pissed or angry with me I apologize :'-(

thanks :v

Sein and Kill get on a bird and it takes them in the direction of the Spirit Tree, they were both worried and afraid, even though they had been told that they were already taken to the Tree, but in this situation anything could happen, no one was 100% safe.

Kill: Hurry!!! Hurry!!!! "he started to shake and breathe a little fast".

Sein: Hurry up!!!

Bird: Hey calm down, it won't be long now, calm down, they are inside for sure.

The bird left them at the entrance of the Tree, thanked him and they went inside, they went up the stairs and saw us, we were all worried, but the problem was that Matthew was not there.

Sein: What about Matthew? "she said very worried".

Umi: I do not know "he was shaking".

The Tree makes his presence known to them to inform them about him.

Tree: Matthew and some guards went to the Ginson Tree, I have ordered them to guard that area.

Kill: But why did he send them?!

Tree: We needed reinforcements, almost all of them are in the village and some on the borders, he already knows this forest and that's why, I sent him with them.

Far away from them, there was Matthew with five guards were on top of the Tree.

Matthew: At the moment I don't see anything "I looked at the landscape" But I have a bad feeling? How is your arm?

Hol: Since I got infected by that plant, pretty good "look at his right arm".

Matthew: I hope you make a full recovery with your arm.

Hol: Haha thanks "he sat on a branch".

Matthew: "sighs" I love this forest...I love its beauty, its people, its culture, its heroes and the Spirit Tree...I don't want to see it suffer as they suffered in the decay.

Hol: Have you ever had a fight with anyone?

Matthew: Many times... mostly with those who picked on me at school... they were bigger than me... but I managed to teach them a good lesson.

Hol: Did you have a run-in with a spirit?

Matthew: What? Hol: Of course not... I would never hurt a cute spirit...they're all cute and awesome.

Hol: It's just to annoy you... but if you have a run-in with them, don't act out, you're going to make the problem bigger and the damage harder to repair.

Matthew: Yes, I will keep that in mind.

Hol: ... Come Matthew, I want to show you something.

Matthew: Ah, well.

The two went down, inside the tree, near the entrance, he showed him that there was an entrance, it was locked.

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