Chapter 17: We are here to help

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In the previous chapter, Matthew was attacked by a creature with the goal of still no one knows the reason why to attack him, he received a scratch on his back by pulling his shirt. He passed out after being checked by a spirit (i.e., a healing spirit).

-Oh... God...- said Matthew in pain- Ouch!....

Lying on the floor with excruciating pain in his back, he slowly opened his eyes to see that he was in a strange place.

-Hey... -Mateo got up in a panic, "Where am I?

Have you seen what the world of the animated series Pocoyo looks like? If the answer is yes, then you know where it is. A white and empty world...

-Hello!" he shouted desperately -Helloaaaaa! Please, no! *Run*.

Oh Matthew... first the shipwreck, second the creature, third they imprison you, fourth...*sigh*... your life was perfect before you got on that cruise... I really feel sorry for you.... Matthew kept running everywhere looking for a way out, here, there, up, down, back and forth, but nothing. He couldn't take it anymore, he fell to his knees and started crying like a child, he was all alone with no one to accompany him.

-No, no, no, no, nooooo!


Oops, looks like you're not alone.

-Who said my name?

In the distance, you see a woman in a white dress, you approach her in order to get someone to keep you company, it turns out that when you looked at her face you froze.


-... Ma-mom?

-Matthew... My dear son.

-Mo... Mommy!

A few centimeters away

Within inches of his mother, he threw himself at her, hugging her tightly and, of course, crying for a long time.

-Mom," Matthew said through his tears, "I've missed you so much.

-Me too *kisses her forehead* and.... How are you doing?

-Well... I feel good and at the same time... sad- answered Matthew scratching his head- and you?

-At peace.

-... Hey, where are we? -He asked looking around, "Am I dead?

-It's a dream, that's all.

-Where are the others?

-What do you mean, where are the others?

-My father and brother.

-Oh, they're somewhere playing, don't worry about us.

-Can I see them?

-I'd love to son... but it's time to wake up.

-No... I don't want you to go," said Matthew hugging his mother.

-Son *she kisses him on the cheek* I'll always be with you.

-I love you mommy.

-And I love you.

Back to real life

-mmm... ouch... What happened?

You woke up in a very different place, lying on a bed of leaves, with a small pain in your back, seeing how the wound was bandaged from the waist to the chest. There was no one with you, it was almost the same as the shelter where you were the difference was that it was a little big, you leave the place looking at the clear sky about to get dark, to your right you saw some spirits playing hide and seek, you approached them to ask them where you were.

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