Chapter 29: Pékin's friend

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Dawn came, it was six o'clock in the morning in Nibel. Sein and his group returned to the tree after the mess that was made.

-All right guys, gather everything and go to your homes.

-Thanks, have a nice day.

They left.

-Oh, I didn't expect this.

-Same here, it's the first time it's happened to me.

-Sein, are you going home? Because I'm going to Matthew's.

-Of course not, I'll go with you.

-What do you mean, we're very fond of them, aren't we? -Yeah...

-Yeah... -Yeah... I've never had friends like that.

-So let's get going.

-Good morning Umi.

-Good morning -Greeting -Hey Matthew...

-*sigh*... Umi... Where are Sein and Kill?

-That's what I want to know.

-*thinking* They probably left for work early.

-That makes sense.

-Well, off to breakfast.

But before Matthew had his breakfast Sein and Kill arrived.

-Hello guys.

-Oh, look they're here.

-Where were you two?

-You see Umi, at midnight while we were all asleep me and Kill were awakened by two guards who came to give us the news of an inconvenience that was happening north of Nibel.

-It turns out that in a vigil group, a guardian had been infected by a purple flower.

-A flower?" said Matthew thoughtfully.

-He quickly became aggressive towards his companions and then attacked them, one of whom he knocked out with the hilt of the hilt.

-What happened to him," asked Umi.

-He is at home with his family.

-After that, the leader confronted the infected, by the way, the name of the infected was Hom, in the leader's words he said that it was a very intense fight, when we found them they were very tired and sore, from there I don't know anymore.

-How are they?

-You ask too many questions," laughed Kill.

-They are receiving medical attention, they will be fine.

-Oh... these days things are happening all over the forest.

-*sigh* I need to rest, he was up all night watching for anything to happen- he laid down on Matthew's bed.

-I'm hungry, do you still have those cookies?

-Sure, eat when there are.

An hour passed after breakfast, Matthew grabbed his suitcase to go work with Mur in the harvest while the others stayed home.

-I'll be back before sunset.

-Bring us some fruit when you're done.

-I will, I'll see you.

He walked to the place where he met Mur, passed by a few houses greeting everyone. His name was Falko and he was a friend of Pékin (the bird that fought in chapter 24), he had the same characteristics of his friend but, with the difference that he was stronger and bigger.

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