Chapter 23: Adapting

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-They understood the plan.

-Yes, sir!

-This time he won't get away from me.

-We'll do everything we can to catch him.

-Well, let's get going.

-Ufff, this job is making me sweat a lot.

-You've helped me a lot," said a spirit who was in charge of the crops, "Go and rest.

-Thank you very much, my hands were already hurting.

You went to lie down near a tree to protect yourself from the sun's glare, several days had passed since you met Pékin the bird, all those moments of anguish and despair were gone, now you had the thought of staying and living there.

-How is everything going?" came Kil.

-Well, we had some problems, but that didn't stop the harvest.

-Wow, you're soaked with sweat.

-*sigh* I need water.

-I'll get you some.

-Here, but don't drink it all," he handed her his canteen.

-Oh, thanks," he drank, "What's Umi doing?

-Playing with some spirits, near the Spirit Tree.

-And Sein?

-Ah right, I have to go, take care of yourself.

-Oh, bye.

-Bye- -She left.

1 hour later

-You can visit here whenever you want and, for helping me, take this- he gives her a bag full of berries.

-Wow, I never felt so flattered, thank you.

-Bye, all the best.

-Same to you.

If you're wondering what her name was, it was Mur, the one in charge of the forest crops.

-Oops, it's going to start raining- Matthew looked at the cloudy sky- I'd better warn Umi, luckily Kil told me it was near the Tree.

At the Spirit Tree

-I'd like to become a Spirit Tree.

-Hahaha, well you'll have to wait until it's your time, but remember, not all spirits can do it.

-Hi Umi.

-Pékin, what are you doing here?

-Since I have a day off, I wanted to see you -I hugged Umi -By the way, where's Matthew?

-Helping with the harvest.

-Now Matthew helps the spirits in a few days... great.

-Yes, he adapted very quickly with us.

-How is your friendship going?

-Why do you ask?

-Because you don't talk to him much these days, is something wrong?

-*sigh* Guys, I'm going to talk to him, I'll be right back.

-We'll wait for you here.

-Yes, of course.

Umi and Pékin walk away from the group until they reach a tree.

-Pékin, what's wrong is... umm," she said nervously.



-Come on, say it? Don't be te-

-In love!

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