Chapter 3: The Journey

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After we settled in our room the cruise ship started to leave the seaport, many people were saying goodbye to their relatives it was about 1:00 pm after taking out our luggage, getting dressed, we left the room and locked the door, Then we decided to take a walk to recognize all the places on the cruise and I realize that there were how many pools, one small, one medium and one large.

Me: mom?

Elizabeth: yes son?

Me: can we go bathe in the pools? * asked with emotion *

Johnny: yeah?

Justin: calm son, tomorrow we are going to bathe but first we must rest for the trip we made to get here.

Elizabeth: you are going to teach your little brother how to swim.

Johnny: okay.

On the tour we also saw several food centers, a nightclub, massage centers, bars and, above all, my favorite, an arcade.

Me: Mom !? * I said excited *

Elizabeth: you can enter son also take your brother and be careful.

Me: I'll do it, little brother.

Johnny: finally something to distract me with!

We went to the arcade and there were lots of things one of my hobbies was being a professional in the classic Super Mario Bros game, I was looking if there were any and it took me about 15 minutes to search since the arcade was very big but in the end.... I found it.

Johnny: there it is! * runs to the game *

Me: wait for me! *I follow it*

1 minute later

Johnny: watch out for the turtles!

Me: * I press the buttons quickly and kill the turtles * A piece of cake you are with an expert in this game.

Johnny: you can tell that you are vicious.

Me: you are vicious in this game too * I pass the first level in less than a minute *

Johnny: you had a clear time... the first level is the easiest of all.

Me: this is just the beginning of my adventure * I start the second level *

23 minutes later

I passed the levels with ease as my brother said, I was very vicious in those things and I knew all the secrets and shortcuts of the game, the emotion was so great that some boys stared at my brother's side because of the speed he finished the levels. When I reached the final level my hands were shaking I did not want to lose everything I did to reach the final boss and worse ... it was an arcade not a console that you could save the game.

Johnny: beware of Bowser (game antagonist)

Me: quiet * pressing buttons quickly *

After a tough battle against the final Boss I was able to finish the game and save the princess. Immediately I heard some clapping behind my sword along with my brother, we turned around and I saw that it was our parents.

Justin: congratulations! *hugs me*

Elizabeth: you are a professional * kisses me *

Me: th-t-thanks * I blush a little *

Johnny: I wish I could get through the game that quickly.

Me: when we come home after this trip I will teach you everything I know.

After finishing the game we left the arcade and headed for lunch.

3:00 pm

Remember that I said that there was a food center, well there was everything from our country, French food, Spanish food, etc. But of all me and my brother shouted with joy when looking at the other side it was...

Me and my brother: KFC! * we ran to the toilet *

Elizabeth: there are these children * she says a little annoyed *

Justin: hey no then deny that they love it, they also deserve it for their studies.

Elizabeth: If you're right... they've tried so hard to get us to give them their reward.

In the meantime...

Me: look at a wow box.

Johnny: I want a chiza this is our best day.

Me: and wait when we get somewhere in Europe.

Our parents came to make the ticket and while waiting for the food they knew that I was excited together with my brother since we could not resist the secret flavor that those crispy chickens gave him, after receiving the food we started eating I always order everything to then go crazy eating the chicken and the hamburger.

Me: * eating like crazy *

Justin: slow down son I know you like it.

Johnny: I don't know how they make the chicken very crispy * eating *

Elizabeth: flour.

Me and my brother: What !?

Elizabeth: the flour does almost all the work but it also has seasonings that make it crunchy like salt, thyme, oregano, black pepper, etc.

Me: little brother... you know what we're going to do when we get there.

Johnny: I think so little brother.

Justin: oh nooo.

Me and my brother: we are going to make KFC chicken.

Elizabeth: I will help you.

Justin: You too !?

Elizabeth: * looking annoyed *

Justin: okay, okay, let's make chicken when we get there.

Me and my brother: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

After eating the delicious chicken we went back to our room where I threw myself on the bed, how tired I was, it didn't take long for sleep to knock me out for several hours.

6:48 pm

I stretched my body and stood up to see my family, my mother was cooking dinner while my father was with his phone and my brother was playing with the console that I brought. After my mom finished cooking I call everyone to eat.

Elizabeth: here they have a delicious Mac and cheese (macaroni and cheese).

Me: thank you * I sit down and start eating *

Justin: Johnny's favorite dish. * starts eating *

Johnny: What are we going to co * see the plate * Mac and cheese! * runs, sits down and starts eating *

Me and my parents: hahahahahahaha

Johnny: What are we going to do tomorrow? * with a full mouth *

Me: little brother, what has your mother said to you when you are eating?

Johnny: * swallows what she had in her mouth * don't talk when she eats.

Elizabeth: Do you remember what you said when we started out on the cruise.

Me: * thinking * Pools!


After we finished dinner we rested for a while watching television and then we went to sleep anxious about the pools that we were going to swim in.

2 days before the disaster

Thank you for reading

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