Chapter 36: Operation Arne

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-Can we go out?

-No Umi, it could be dangerous.

-Stay here.

-That's fine.

She wanted to go out to see if something interesting was going on, but they didn't let her. They stayed for a long time, waiting for all this to end, with the other friends, who were lying there, there was a rumor of a creature that managed to reach the forest in spite of the great security.

-Do you believe it?

-No Kill, it's just a rumor.

-I don't believe it either, but most people think it's true.

-If so, then we must prepare.

The birds were divided into groups of eight, assigning them the places where they had to guard, by a miracle, Pékin and Falko were in the same group which was five, one guarded the Spirit Tree, two the plantations, three the village, four the barracks and five the borders. The last group was the one with the most responsibility and work, they had to not be distracted at any time, paying attention to all the places of the border limit, with the objective of blocking any passage of those monsters. Once the order was given and the groups were formed, the mission began, each group would be accompanied by a messenger bird to keep the high command informed.

-Did you hear the rumor?

-Yes Falko, but I don't believe anything in rumors until they are confirmed, so for me, nobody made it to the forest, what do you think?

-Neither, it may be true or it may be false, time will tell.

-If one of them got here?

-With just one creature it can cause chaos, let's hope that's not the case.

While they were talking, the groups went off to do their work.

-Well, it looks like they are leaving right away, let's get ready before leaving, is this your first time doing this kind of missions?

-That's right.

-Very good guys! Let's go!

The last group left for their destination, the journey to reach the border lasted half an hour. At the house, Matthew came out to get some air, the guards had just arrived to guard not only the house, but the whole area.

-Guys, look at the sky.

-What's wrong with the sky?

-... Pekin!!!

He heard the scream, looked down from afar and saw his friend safe and sound.


-How is he!!!?

-To see you excellent!!!!

-Where are they going!!!?

-To the borders!!! We were given the mission to guard that area!!!" exclaimed Falko.


-When I come back I'm going to hug you so tight you won't be able to breathe!!!!!

-And where are the others!!!!?

-In the village! You know what they're doing there!

-Of course!!! -Good luck to them!!!!!

-Thank you!

The birds disappeared through the clouds towards their destination, the friends came out to see what was going on.

-Why were you screaming?

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