꒰ ͜͡➸ you call your adoptive papa 'dad'

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this is also a refresher for who your papa is with each ghoul for... reasons...


- secondo makes it a point to not show emotion in front of people.
- but as soon as 'dad' slips out when you're talking with him at dinner, he's grinning like crazy

"hello, mellitula," secondo said, giving you a soft, barely noticeable smile as you approached the head table.

most siblings weren't allowed up at the front with the upper clergy, but secondo managed to pull some strings to allow you to be up there with him from time to time.

"hi," you smiled back, sitting next to him.

"anything specific, sister?" a ghoul asked you, a notebook in hand. you looked at secondo, getting a wink from him.

"no, today's special is fine." you told the ghoul, smiling. the ghoul nodded, writing down your placement in the room and your order, bowing before moving on.

"how has your day been?" secondo asked, not giving you a moment to ask about him. you smiled, starting to talk about your day.

secondo nodded along with what you were saying, giving his subtle reactions when they were called for. though, you're story was cut off when a kitchen ghoul walked up to you and secondo.

"sorry to interrupt, but there was a lack of supplies for tonight's special. is there anything else i could get you?" the ghoul asked. you thought for a moment before telling the ghoul what you wanted, telling them not to worry about the lack of supply. the ghoul nodded with a gracious smile and bowed before walking away.

"anyway, dad, you won't believe what dew said next-" you grinned, looking back at secondo.

slightly shocked, secondo took a moment to process as you continued speaking. then, when he realized what you had called him, a big grin took over his face.

the second papa kept quiet as you told your story, trying to listen along over the ringing of happiness in his ears.

"and then aether was all like 'dew, you-'... are you okay?" you asked as you looked over at secondo, seeing his big smile. secondo nodded, still smiling.

"i'm perfect, mellitula. keep going."


- a lot of people don't really take terzo seriously at the ministry, so it was hard to believe that you saw him as a father figure when he was so flamboyant and.. well, not fatherly.

you looked around the ministry for terzo, having a package for him.

omega was going to bring it up but had other things to do, so you offered to deliver it. you wanted to see terzo, anyway.

"terzo?" you called as you knocked on his door. the door slowly opened, revealing his empty office.

you shrugged, walking in and looking around, only for the door to slam behind you.

you yelped, whipping around and almost throwing the box at whoever was behind you. though, you stopped yourself as you saw terzo, a big grin on his face.

ghost bc oneshots <3 [g.b.c]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora