꒰ ͜͡➸ your friendship

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- he was shy for a while so you did most of the talking, but once you got him to open up, he never. stopped. speaking.
- like ever.
- it was okay though, it was a lot better than basically having a conversation with yourself.
- rain was funny too. he could say the most mundane thing while staring at you with the intention of making you laugh, and you would.
- he loves just spending time with you. if you're doing something remotely different from the usual, he's right there with you.
- if you're sad or someone made you upset he gathers the other ghouls to either go kick some ass or make you feel better. whatever you want, he'll make the other ghouls do.
- dew was immediately jealous of you but the sight of rain opening up to someone else made the fire ghoul keep his mouth shut.
- it did help that rain immediately introduced you to dew because the water ghoul wanted his two best friends to meet.


- your first interaction really paved the way for the rest of the friendship.
- you thought mountain was completely crazy when you first saw him stumble out of the tree line, but after you guys spoke for a couple hours, you'd start going to the clearing more often than every saturday.
- mountain tried to get answers for his intrigues, and you gladly offered them, though you were a bit cautious seeing as you had never come in contact with a ghoul before.
- mountain understood this and did everything in his power to make you feel more comfortable with him.
- eventually, mountain managed to rope you back to the ministry where he introduced you to all the other ghouls. swiss immediately tried to make a move on you, though mountain quickly swept you out of that situation.
- ever since then you've come to the ministry whenever you had time and became even closer with mountain, always being by his side when you were at the church.
- mountain likes to think he's the biggest gentleman, but next to aether and dew he's just a regular old ghoul.
- he does take this as a challenge and will to anything for you to prove that he's better than the other ghouls.
- you guys are very chaotic. this goes for the other ghouls as well. nobody is safe when your with your best friend.


- he follows you around like a lost puppy. no other way to put it.
- whatever you need of him, he'll gladly do for you. and vise versa.
- originally, swiss and rain thought you were taking advantage of aether's devotion.
- they managed to convince aether to ask you for help on something he had been struggling with and when you didn't even hesitate to work with him on it, they knew that you had nothing but good intentions with aether.
- he's always there when you need comforting, and he'll do anything in his power to make you feel better.
- like anything.
- anything and everything.
- he'll challenge dew if it'll make you happy. he'd pick a fight with dew if it would make you smile.
- very gentlemanly too.
- there's a door 50 feet ahead? he's sprinting to open it for you. there's a puddle the size of a penny on the ground? no, no, wait for aether to put his foot over it so your shoes don't get wet.
- again—anything and everything for you.


- he's absolutely baffled by you.
- one; you're incredibly badass and can stand up to imperator for a ghoul you've never met. and two; you're absolutely gorgeous. what more could swiss want?
- the next few times you and swiss interacted, he would try and flirt with you. but he stopped after you made it clear that you didn't want anything with him so soon after meeting.
- swiss respected your wishes and backed off of flirting, but never stopped asking to hang out with you.
- if you didn't want anything more than a friendship, he was fine with that. anything swiss could get from you he'd eat it up.
- he memorizes every. single. thing. you tell him. favorite color? he knows. what you had for lunch on may 23rd? he knows what you had and when your started eating.
- it's honestly a bit creepy but also somehow endearing.
- he's a flirt. we know this. so much so, he'd make little friend-dates and act like your boyfriend as a joke. of course, you'd see past how awful he was at making fake moves and enjoy the day with your best friend.
- swiss is definitely one of the most clingy ghouls, so you spend a lot of your time filling him his free time.
- you don't mind. you get to spend time with, in your opinion, one of the most interesting ghouls at the ministry.


- he's a complete asshole.
- but he's he's your complete asshole. and he'll die on that hill.
- ever since that party, dew had done nothing but tease you about how you threw yourself onto him and draped your body in his arms.
- you made it very clear that you should be the one teasing him but he always just sputters slightly and ignores you.
- he's very touchy and wants to be near you all the time.
- he'll be a complete ass to you, but as soon as someone else says something remotely snarky..? they better know how to run and keep running.
- protective as hell. if anyone even lays an angry finger on you all hell breaks loose and someone ends up with a broken nose. i'll tell you right now; it's not you or dew.
- another gentleman. he'll act all tough but as soon as you try to pay the bill for a lunch that you two had together he's wrestling your card out of your hand to replace it with his own.
- don't test him on his manners. you won't win.
- originally, aether thought that you had been wearing a specific scent when you first met dew that made him completely obsessed with you, but the quintessence ghoul quickly remembered you don't have any scents that would do that to the fire ghoul.
- swiss made fun of dew for hanging out with you all the time after first meeting, pissing dew off. but whenever he got too upset all you had to do was place your hand on his shoulder and he'd calm down immediately, urging to hug you and just melt into your arms.


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