arrived at paldea region

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In few hours on the boat heading to paldea region like liko playing Mario Oddyssey on her Nintendo Switch lite sitting in a chair inside the boat along with ace for a second and save it after that, and place it inside her travel bag, she taking several selfies with ace on her rotom phone.

"Excuse me, miss."

Both of them look up at the captain Stan Lee with a smile and said, "we'll be arrived at paldea region in few minutes. Go look outside of the boat see something surprise what you two like to see."  Liko smile and getting up on her seat toward the deck from outside of the ship with ace becomes surprise to see small pack of finizen at 10 feet away from the boat made leap in mid-air for a second and dive back inside the ocean along with ocean Pokemon.

Liko: "cool new water type of Pokemon."

She begin to scan it with her rotom phone for few seconds and information pop out about new water type of Pokemon what liko and ace see.

Female computer voice: "finizen, dolphin Pokemon, water type; it like plays with others of its kind using the water ring on its tail. It uses ultrasonic waves to sense the emotions of other living creatures."

Liko: "cool."

Ace: "upa."

Female computer voice: "finizen just added on your pokedex."

Liko smile about finizen just added on her pokedex list for a first time when until they turn right of surprise see paldea region from 9 miles away and she said to ace, "there it is, buddy. Paldea region, it filled with new types of Pokemon that we never seen before except for pack of finizen, including gym leaders, elite fours, and paldea league tournament."

Ace: "upa."

Arrived at port marinda in paldea region at 3:50 pm, when she walking down the ramp to port while pulling her luggage along with ace on her left shoulder to see several workers on the port too busy until they gasped of surprise to see the daughter of Pokemon world champion and monarch has arrived at paldea region when she walk pass them, begin talking among themselves.

"A daughter of Pokemon World champion and monarch is here at paldea region."

"That's cool, I hope she win paldea league tournament as paldea World champion like her father."

"You said it buddy."

She smile of pride for them talking about her to win paldea league tournament as champion like her father and stop to noticed taxi being carriage by a flock of squawkabilly in middle of the port being accompanied by male cabbie look like Harrison Ford in his 30's right next to taxi who give friendly wave at her when they approach him.

Harrison: "you must be liko Ketchum that dean talking about, correct."

Liko: "yes sir."

Harrison: "alright, welcome to paldea region kid, let me take your luggage and place inside back of trunk while you two sitting inside the taxi."

Liko: "of course."

She handed her luggage to him so placed inside of the trunk while she open the door left side of taxi when she taking her travel bag off first as she entered the taxi and place it on seat in right side when she sit down and closed the door after that as Harrison look up at flocks of squawkbilly and said, "take her to naranja academy at the city and parked in middle of the academy courtyard." They nodded their heads to agree with them  when he looked at liko and ace inside as he press in the button on the helmet begin to speak on the speaker inside above taxi celling with them, "good luck kid, yahoo!" On the cue squawkbilly when they flipping the wings begin lift taxi up from the ground for a minute and begin flying toward the city, liko grab her phone from her pocket and begin calling her mom for a moment until Serena answered it.

Liko: "hey mom, I made it to paldea region and heading to mesagoza city inside the taxis with flock of parrot Pokemon."

Serena: "that's great honey, I'm at home with your father and Pikachu right now before heading to work."

Liko: "sounds good, I will do video message surprise to aew fans with live boardcast inside my dorm at the academy tonight when you on cue."

Serena: "wonderful honey."

Ash: "have fun sweetie."

Pikachu: "pika."

Liko smile to heard her father and Pikachu in background and said to them with kindness, "I will dad. Goodbye guys." Serena replied back to her with kindness, "you too sweetheart." They both of them hang up when she and ace look up in the see new flying types along with medium size flock of starly and Staraptor in the sky.

[New chapter is out for today]

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