the discovery part 2: paldean form wooper

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Liko and her mother inside aew control center for aew dynamite on Wednesday night as mother and daughter bonding time. Riko wearing black jacket with white shirt inside, darker blue jeans, and blue pump up sneakers. She wearing her father fingerless gloves that he wore at unvoa region. She got her father green travel bag on her back. Serena wearing pink violet off shoulder to expose her bra strap on left shoulder, blue skinny jeans, and white socks inside regular shoes. She got three different types of earrings in right ear.

Serena: "honey, why you wearing your father fingerless gloves."

Liko: "it's look cool on me, mom like dad did on the journey in unvoa with aunt iris and uncle cilan."

Serena: "okay but you ask your father permission first to have his fingerless gloves next time."

Liko: "yes mom."

They arrived at the group of top flight, wardlow, thunder Rosa, tazz, Wheeler yuta, and John sliver. When wardlow turned around with a smile to see his favorite niece with her mom, "hey little miss mayhem, how are you doing." Liko smile  and Replied back to him, "I'm doing good, uncle Mayhem."

Wardlow: "that's my girl."

Wheeler yuta: "are you excited about your birthday tomorrow."

Liko: "yes uncle yuta, I'm going to be 16 yrs old."

Tazz: "16 yrs old, golly. Stopped growing so much in front of us kid caused we're getting old."

John sliver: "what do you want for your birthday."

Liko: "travel to new region called paldea region after my birthday over."

They're speechless of surprise at riko want something for her birthday is travel to paldea region at their world, wardlow chuckle and said, "your daddy girl alright to travel different regions and caught different types of pokemon." Then all of sudden they heard "upaupaupa." From behind liko and Serena when they look up to see wooper in different form.

Tazz: "that wooper, it's look different

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Tazz: "that wooper, it's look different."

Serena pulled out galar rotom pokedex from her pocket to turn on the screen of wooper for a scan in a second and image pop up.

Female computer voice: "wooper, paldean form, poison fish pokemon, ground/posion type; "it's dangerous for wooper to travel alone, they line up in groups of three of four and help each other as they walk around the wetlands

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Female computer voice: "wooper, paldean form, poison fish pokemon, ground/posion type; "it's dangerous for wooper to travel alone, they line up in groups of three of four and help each other as they walk around the wetlands. They're from paldea region born breed over there in paldean form."

Tazz: "wow, we have paldean wooper at our world for a first time."

Thunder Rosa: "yeah it's very cute for a poison fish pokemon."

Dante: "you said it rosa."

Paldean wooper walk up to liko for a bit and stop to stare at her with a smile on his face and said "upaupa." He leap into her arms little bit outguard that surprise riko, tazz, dante Martin, Serena, and wardlow.

Serena: "I think wooper like you, sweetie."

Tazz: "I believe you got wooper as your early birthday present."

Liko: "you're right uncle tazz."

She look down at wooper with a smile, "wanna you travel with me to paldea region day after tomorrow when my birthday over." He nodded his head of response for liko who becomes happy to travel with her as new travel companion than liko got a perfect name for him and said, "I call you ace. What do you think little buddy." Ace nodded his head to her again to like his new.

Tazz: "ace, huh, I like it."

Top flight: "us too."

Bunny and red velvet show up in the group to see new form wooper into liko arms, they squeal of cuteness to see wooper for a second and stop as red velvet said with surprise, "that's wooper in new form, Mrs. K."

Serena: "yup, meet ace the paldean wooper from paldea region."

Bunny: "paldea region that's mean new form/evolve of pokemon."

Liko: "yup."

[New chapter is out for today]

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