meet liko

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Pallet town on Wednesday morning at 7:00 am. There's a two stories white pearl house with indigo blue roof on it and got a mail box behind white fence at left side it said, "Mr & Mrs. Ketchum." In the kitchen with 37 yrs old ash Ketchum wearing white plan shirt and blue shorts sitting in his chair in front of the table drinking cup of coffee and reading the newspaper along with his sidekick, Pikachu on his right shoulder while 34 yrs old serena Ketchum wearing long pink nightgown with cooking apron cooking eggs and bacon inside the frying pan on the stove.

Ash: "breakfast smell good, honey."

Serena: "thanks ashy."

He look up at the ceiling with a smile to called someone inside the bedroom, "sweetie, wake up. Time for breakfast." Person is a girl doesn't reply back to him in the kitchen as serena turned around holding two plates with scramble eggs and bacon toward the table and place in the middle with three plates, forks, knife, and two cup of milk and she looked up at the ceiling with little bit unpatient, "liko Ketchum you better wake up right now or I send Pikachu up there to wake you up."

Liko: "five more minutes, please mom."

Serena sigh and look at Pikachu give a nod as he leap off from shoulder running through the kitchen to living room and running up on the stairs toward lika bedroom to walk up liko.

Serena: "she got it from you, honey."

Ash: "yeah, I'm still proud of her."

Serena giggle and said, "you still acting a little kid."

Ash: "hey! Did iris taught you that at our wedding."

Serena: "yup."


"AAAH! Okay I'm up mom, sorry."

They heard their daughter footstep exit her bedroom door to the hallway begin walking down the stairs arrived the living room heading to the kitchen with liko Ketchum is little bit muscular young girl of a light complexion. She has black and blue hair tied with green clips but turned into static hair, light skin with light blue eyes and wears a green jeweled necklace resembled of a Green thunderstone. She wears green long knee shirt only has Pikachu on her right shoulder.

Liko: "morning dad, morning mom. Thanks for wake up call."

Serena: "no problem honey."

She fixed her hair from thunderbolt and sit down in a chair right next to her father for Pikachu leap into right shoulder, they begin eating breakfast together.

Serena: "are you excited about your birthday tomorrow."

Liko bit off half of bacon begin to chew for a second and shallow as she replied back to her, "yup, I'm going to be 16 yrs old."

Ash: "my baby girl is growing up so fast."

Liko: "daddy, I'm always to be your baby girl."

Serena: "what do you want for your birthday."

Liko: "travel to another region catch new type of pokemon like dad did since he was 10 yrs old travel Kanto region with aunt misty and uncle Brock."

Serena little bit happy for her daughter birthday present is travel to another region and said, "sure honey, what kind of region you talking about

Liko: "paldea region it's has new type of pokemon and including new paldean forms, gym leaders, elite Four, and academy. Can I go after my birthday over cause I saw it on the magazine with Mr. cerise face in the front."

Serena: "of course sweetie, today, you going with me at aew control center in freanso, ca for aew from other world as mother and daughter bonding time at 2:00 pm while your father going with your grandma, Tracey, Mr. Mime, and your another grandma will be helping professor oak inside the laboratory all day."

Liko: "sounds good mom."

Inside of liko Ketchum bedroom

A strange purple book with strange creature on it just magically appeared in middle of liko desk.

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