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Today was the day. The day that marks 10 years of me and Richelle first meeting back in A-troupe, that fateful day when I met my best friend, who I'd never in a million years guessed would be my girlfriend. Today, was our 10th friendiversary! I had to do something special for her. Richelle deserved nothing less than perfect, and I'm making sure of it. Pacing around the room, I could feel my anxiety rising up my throat and growing within the minute. Where were they? They'd promised to help out today. But before I could worry any longer, footsteps approached studio A, and I immediately turned around, shoulders slumping in relief when I noticed who it was. 

"What up, my guy!" Kingston's voice rang loud and clear, along with footsteps from Noah, Shad, Heath, Finn, and Henry. I felt my face break into a wide grin. They'd all shown up!  

"Hey everyone, you guys showed up!" I exclaimed, giving everyone a hug. "Of course, we wanted to help you set up for your friendiversary date!" Shad said, giving me a knowing look. I smiled back at Shad, thankful for his presence. Since he left, we'd actually become close friends, bonding over music and dance.  (sue me I didn't want Shad to be a monster lol)

"Big day, huh?" Noah asked, jokingly punching my shoulder. I nodded, knowing that he out of all people would know how special Richelle was to me, and I appreciated him helping out. "Happy for you," Henry added while giving a not-so-secretive wink in my direction. "Yeah, who knew? You and Richelle..." Finn trailed off, looking over at Heath. "But you can't disagree, they make an excellent couple." Heath laughed, patting me on the back. 

"Alright, people! Enough talking, let's get decorating!" I announced. "Fairy lights and balloons are in that box over there, candles and bunting are in the box over here," I said, motioning over to the office. We were kind of in a time crunch, and I needed the room to be done within an hour. "Finn, Shad, Heath, can you guys be on the fairy lights and balloons? Henry, Noah, and I will do the bunting and candles." I instructed, splitting us into smaller groups to get the job done quicker. "Aye, Aye! Captain!" Shad laughed, heading off with Finn and Heath.

After half an hour, the room was almost done, and it was looking magical. Fairy lights hung over the red brick walls of studio A, illuminating the atmosphere with a cozy yellow glow. Bunting added a nice pop of color contrasting the walls, and the balloons had a nice note of festivity toward the room, but I was still worried. The panic was clearly written all over my face, as Noah started to walk towards me, dragging me over to the side. 

"Oz, are you ok? You've been pacing the same spot for 10 minutes!" He asked worriedly, looking down at his watch. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just- I just want tonight to be perfect for her, you know?" I explained, stumbling over my words. "I know. You're a really great guy. Richelle's lucky to have you." He said, already calming me down. 

"It's just that- I'm just worried I might be too nervous and mess everything up," I say, my head already thinking about everything that could go wrong. "Ozzy, trust me. You won't mess this up. You and I both know this ok? You've practiced countless times in front of me, I think you've got this in the bag." Noah said, looking at me with a determined expression on his face. (hint to what's happening later in this chapter!) "Thanks, Noah. You're the best." I said, giving him a grateful smile. 

"Hey, Ozzy!" I heard Henry call my name, and I led Noah back to the room. "Do you want to add the final finishing piece to the room?" Finn asked while Shad handed me the last candle that finished the heart in the center of the room. "Of course," I smiled back at them, taking the candle from his hands and placing the candle down. 

"Wow." I heard Heath say, "This is perfect." He was still in the middle of amazement. "I know," I breathed, "Thank you for everything, I could've never done this without you guys!" I exclaim, pulling them all in for a group hug.  

"No worries. This is great and all, but I really gotta go. I've got a date night later with Piper and I don't want to be late." Finn laughed, while an audible "Ooooooh" was heard in the room. "Thanks, Finn," I said, "Please leave now, I'm pretty sure Piper wouldn't be too happy if you were late!" I said, pushing him towards the door playfully as I remembered all the alarms she set him during dance mania. "Actually, I gotta run too. I have a flight to LA in 30 minutes and my mum will kill me if I miss it." Shad said, taking a look at the clock. "Okay," I say. "Have fun!" "Good luck, Ozzy! Heath, Henry, Noah, and I have rehearsals in 10 minutes so we gotta dip too." Kingston said, looking over at them. I nodded, understanding how important it was to them. "Okay, thanks, guys!" I say as they headed outside the door. 

I had a brief moment to myself until I heard someone's soft footsteps from behind the room, and I already knew who it was. Richelle. I took a deep breath. Everything led to this very moment.


"Wow, Ozzy! What's all this?" I asked in sheer wonderment. It looked amazing. The atmosphere was cozy with fairy lights and candles, and the smell of fresh roses and lavender still lingered in the room. 

"It's our friendiversary, don't you remember?" Ozzy asked, with a playful expression on his face. "Of course I do! How could I forget? It was such a special day." I replied, reminiscing back to the days when we were still teenagers, and everything was still so new to us. "You didn't have to do all this, you know? You're more than enough for me." I said, taking his hands in mine. "But I do have to do this, because, well... it's you, and I'd do anything, literally anything for you." He said, but I could tell he wasn't finished. 

"May I have this dance?" he asked, and the minute he did, my mind flashed back to years ago when he asked the same question, and how I'd said we weren't compatible at all, but I was wrong, and I'm not afraid to admit that now. 

"For you, I've got forever," I whispered, already sinking into the warmth and safety of his arms. He was my home. The familiar tune of  'The Feeling' echoed in the room, and the lyrics of the song made me think about us. Ozzy knows how much he means to me, but he'll never know just how much he does. We've been through so much and spent a lot of time together, counting how many times we wished we were together. But now it was true, and I couldn't be happier. He was the person that makes me better.  

"I loved this dance," He admitted, breaking the silence of my thoughts. "Did it make you remember how much you missed dance?" I joked, remembering how he had 'no time' for dance after he got into his new real-estate job. "It made me remember how much I loved you," Ozzy said as he took a strand of my blonde hair and tucked it behind my ears. We were still swaying to the music, following the slow rhythm of the song, and there was nowhere else I'd rather be in the world than here at this moment. 

As the song drifted to an end, I noticed he'd pulled away from me, and my breath hitched as he knelt down on one knee pulling out a satin ring box, and I slowly came to the realization of what he was doing. 

"I have a pledge for you, my undying love,"  I couldn't help a small smile escape from my mouth as I remembered the way he said the same thing years ago when I wasn't taking him seriously. But this time, I was. "Will you be the Amy to my Henry, the Jacquie to my Noah, the Piper to my Finn, and the Richelle to my Ozzy? Will you marry me?" He asked, smiling widely from ear to ear. 

"Ozzy is that even a question?! Yes, Yes Of course!" I full on lunged at him for a giant bear hug and completely ignored the ring altogether. It didn't matter nearly as much as he did to me. "When did you plan all this?" I asked in curiosity, still in shock from everything that happened. "Oh you know, a few months ago, but it was super hard keeping it a secret from you. Oh, and the guys helped with this." He said, laughing. "Well of course the guys helped you with it!" I laughed with him, knowing how strong their friendship was. "I love you." He whispered, planting a gentle kiss on my forehead. "I love you so much you have no idea" I replied, feeling his forehead touching mine. "Not a competition, Richie." He said, stroking my hair and letting out a chuckle. 

Welp that was the longest chapter I've ever written, I hope everyone liked it! Please let me know if you like this length of writing, or if you liked the shorter lengths I did in the past! <3 

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