breaking the fourth wall

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Kaveh: guys when are we graduating

Tighnari: We literally just entered this school.

Cyno: The real question is: Are we even aging?

Kaveh: cyno ofc we are wth was that

Al-haitham: Good morning.

Kaveh: yes gmorn

Cyno: Good morning.

Tighnari: Good morning, Al-haitham.

Collei: Good morning...

Tighnari: Good morning, Collei. How was your sleep?

Collei: Um, not really well, actually...

Cyno: Who hurt Collei.

Collei: So the thing is... I've been hearing loud sounds from the dorm... I think it's coming from the boys' dorms?

Cyno: Oh.

Tighnari: Ah.

Kaveh: sighs

Dori: So, anyone paying me to fix the walls for u?

Kaveh: if ur pricings werent that unreasonable, we would have done that

Dori: Damn, okay

Nahida: Hehe, Collei, you might want to discuss that matter with the other students, in the big group chat.

Collei: Should I really...?

Collei: I was afraid it might bother them...

Cyno: You won't, just say it there and you will get your answer.


[bookworms are so scary and for what]

Kaeya: is xiao awake yet

Diluc: have you come to your sense yet

Kaeya: diluc pls now isnt the time

Kaeya: @Xiao 

Venti: @Xiao 

Kazuha: @Xiao 

Kaeya: i thought yall are in the same room

Venti: after all tht happened?? bro aint no one gonna go near him while hes asleep

Kazuha: heizou might

Heizou: u called

Venti: heizous curiosity level is higher than his sense of danger

Heizou: u are absolutely right!

Heizou: but what is this talk about danger tho?

Aether: its kinda like an unspoken rule now to not talk to xiao while hes asleep

Kaeya: i thought u dont live in dorms

Aether: i got kicked out remember

Kaeya: oh

Venti: enough of aeboy, what we gna do about xiao

Heizou: wake him?

Kazuha: i don't think thats a good idea, heizou

Heizou: why? because he broke the walls the fourth time?

Kazuha: ...?

Aether: uh

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