venti broke his mic

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wouldn't driving be faster?

Venti: guys why is the teacher scolding me??

Lisa: u need to turn on ur mic dear

Venti: but I already said in the chat that my mic broke??

Lumine: as if that's a good excuse to get away with

Venti: but!!

Rosaria: just do it omg ure spamming the gc


Rosaria: no excuses


Diluc: no one will believe that

Amber: oh no I fell asleep pls what was the question again

Lumine: biotic and abiotic factors

Jean: example of biotic and abiotic factors

Amber: wait one is living one isn't right?

Amber: where's the unmute button ahhh

Kaeya: quick quick once u get this right class ends

Lumine: we place our faith in u amber

Lumine: please free us


Jean: you weren't listening at all were you?



Lumine: pretty sure u aren't deaf

Kaeya: no wait

Kaeya: i think i get it

Lisa: ?

Kaeya: venti u said u "broke" ur mic

Venti: yea

Kaeya: and that's the reason u weren't listening to class

Venti: ye

Kaeya: in other words

Kaeya: u were breaking ur mic during class

Aether: big brein moment

Venti: finally someone got it

Lumine: aether why r u here

Aether: wdym I've always been here

Jean: ...

Jean: Venti, why would you do such thing?

Lisa: lololol

Venti: i mean who wouldnt

Amber: i don't

Amber: also venti don't u wanna leave the call

Amber: you're the last one there

Venti: wait it ended??

Lumine: it has long ended

Venti: PLS

Kaeya: aight back to the topic

Kaeya: how did venti thought of breaking his mic so he doesn't need to answer verbally

Diluc: it's venti

Diluc: why do i even bother to be surprised

Aether: i should try that too

Lumine: i don't think it works for elites

Aether: wdym

Lisa: come to think of it, i heard the liyue class is very responsive

Jean: indeed they are

Jean: the other day i messed up the time and ended up going to Ganyu's place while they were having class

Jean: everyone's cams and mics are on and they're attentive

Amber: what u mean u went to ganyu's house?

Jean: yes?

Lumine: no fair i wanna come too

Jean: sure, I'll ask her

Aether: ooo what am i invited

Lumine: it's inappropriate for a man to go to a lady's house yk

Aether: twins are one, they say <3

Lumine: no one said that

Jean: I texted Ganyu. She said all girls are welcomed

Lumine: omw

Lumine: what's her address?

Amber: i want her address too

Jean: I'll dm u in a bit

Aether: lumine send it to me too

Lumine: no

Venti: ew u guys study??

Kaeya: ikr they tryhards cant relate

Lisa: u girls have fun while i stay home browsing for more books to buy

Lumine: aether u better not mess with my stuff while I'm gone

Aether: there's a way to prevent me from doing that

Aether: just

Lumine: no you're not coming along


Kaeya: imagine getting dumped by ur sister

Venti: *twin sister to be precise

Aether: stop yall are gonna make me cry :'(

Venti: anyways i need a new mic

Venti: any recommendations?

Diluc: i recommend not buying one if  you're gonna break it again anyway

Venti: but i cant break it if i don't have one in the first place

Kaeya: so true bestie I'll dm u what I'm using

Rosaria: why am i still here


aight sooooo

I totally forgot about Rosaria, so I'm adding her here... ik it's a sudden appearance for her but like,, i wrote this while having my geography online class where we were learning about "biotic and abiotic" so yea hehe

as for Eula... I still need to do some research on her personality and stuff. just doing her story quest can't make me think of anything, so I'll need some time to search up her voicelines about other characters + other characters' voicelines about her!

thank you for reading! hope you enjoyed :D

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